Topic : The ATARI Compendium Author : Scott Sanders / JAY Software Version : 1.25 (20/6/2003) Subject : Documentation Nodes : 1117 Index Size : 32614 HCP-Version : 6 Compiled on : Atari @charset : UTF-8 @lang : en @default : @help : %About @options : +g -i -t4 +y +z @width : 100 View Ref-File VDI Output ∙ v_gtext() graphics text ∙ v_justified() justified text ∙ v_cellarray() color grid ∙ v_contourfill() fill to border ∙ v_fillarea() filled polygon ∙ v_pline() draw line connecting two or more points ∙ v_pmarker() draw markers at one or more points ∙ vr_recfl() filled rectangle ∙ v_arc() circular arc ∙ v_bar() filled rectangle ∙ v_circle() filled circle ∙ v_ellarc() elliptical arc ∙ v_ellipse() filled ellipse ∙ v_ellpie() filled elliptical pie slice ∙ v_pieslice() filled pie slice ∙ v_rbox() rounded box ∙ v_rfbox() filled rounded box