Topic : GFA-Basic Editor
Author : Lonny Pursell
Version : GBE.HYP v3.74 (12/31/2023)
Subject : Programming/Documentation
Nodes : 171
Index Size : 4296
HCP-Version : 3
Compiled on : Atari
@charset : atarist
@lang :
@default : Default
@help : STG Help
@options : +g -i -s +z
@width : 75
@hostname : THING
@hostname : STRNGSRV
@hostname : HIGHWIRE
@hostname : CAB
View Ref-FileImport various other files (and variants of ).
Import performs a merge at the line the cursor is on.
A dialog appears showing the file selected and a list of installed modules.
GBE attempts to match the file extender of the file selected to that of one
of the modules. If more than one exists, the first one encountered is
selected. If no match is found, GBE searches for a module with the extender
'.*'. If that still isn't found, then the first entry will be selected.
The user is free to select any one of the modules and redirect the file
as they see fit.
Included modules:
v1/v2 (Atari) *.bas
v3.x (Atari) *.gfa
v3.x (amiga) *.gfa
(dos) *.gfa
(windows) *.gfw
32 (windows) *.g32
Omikron BASIC *.bas
ST BASIC (Atari) *.bas
HiSoft BASIC (ASCII) *.bas
HiSoft BASIC (Tokenized) *.t
STOS - The Game Creator *.bas
Fast Basic (Computer Concepts) *.bsc
Applesoft BASIC *.ab
Integer BASIC (Apple) *.ib
Basic 1000d *.z
c64 BASIC v1.0/v2.0 *.prg
Assembler -> ' comments *.s
'C' header files *.h
text file -> DATA strings *.txt
unix text file -> merge *.lst, *.txt
BBS Express! ST Script *.com
True BASIC (Atari) *.tru
other files -> DATA values *.*
Modules are dynamically scanned. They can be installed or removed at any
time, simply by adding or removing them from the folder. They can also be
disabled by renaming them '*.prx'.
Note: The modules which load other variants of do not attempt to
fix incompatible commands and functions. They are imported as they would
appear on the original system for which they were intended. It is up to the
end user to rework, tweak, hack, or otherwise fix the code.
Atari : This module will import PSAVEd files.
Fast Basic: This module does not convert floating-point values correctly.
Applesoft BASIC: Normally these files have no extender. Rename them.
Integer BASIC: Normally these files have no extender. Rename them.
HiSoft BASIC (Tokenized): DATA statements are lost, this format is very lame.
Omikron BASIC: Only reads files <= v4.08