Topic : The ATARI Compendium
Author : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject : Documentation
Nodes : 1117
Index Size : 32614
HCP-Version : 6
Compiled on : Atari
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View Ref-FileShell Libraryshel_envrn() AESSyntaxWORD shel_envrn( value, name )
char **value;
char *name;
Function shel_envrn() searches the current environment string for
a specific variable.
Opcode 125 (0x7D)
Availability All AESversions.
Parameters value points to a character pointer which will be filled in
with the address of the first character in the environment
string following the string given by name. If the string
given by name is not found, value will be filled in with
NULL. For instance, suppose the current environment looked
like this: PATH=C:\;D:\;E:\
A call made to shel_envrn() with name pointing to the
string 'PATH=' would set the pointer pointed to by value to
the string 'C:\;D:\;E:\' above.
Binding addrin[0] = value;
addrin[1] = name;
return crys_if(0x7D);
Return Value shel_envrn() currently always returns 1.
Version Notes AESversions prior to 1.4 only accepted semi-colons as
separators between multiple 'PATH='arguments. Newer
versions accept commas as well.
Comments The character string pointed to by name should include the
name of the variable and the equals sign.
Group Shell Library