Topic : The ATARI Compendium
Author : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject : Documentation
Nodes : 1117
Index Size : 32614
HCP-Version : 6
Compiled on : Atari
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View Ref-FileObject Libraryobjc_sysvar() AESSyntaxWORD objc_sysvar( mode, which, in1, in2, out1, out2 )
WORD mode, which, in1, in2;
WORD *out1, *out2;
Function objc_sysvar() returns/modifies information about the color
and placement of 3D object effects.
Opcode 48 (0x30)
Availability Available as of AES version 3.40.
Parameters mode determines whether attributes should be read or
modified. A value of SV_INQUIRE (0) will read the current
values whereas a value of SV_SET (1) will modify the
current values. which determines what attribute you wish to
read or modify.
When reading values, in1 and in2 are unused. The two
return values are placed in the WORDs pointed to by out1 and out2. When modifying values, out1 and out2 are unused.
in1 and in2 specify the new values for the attribute.
The meanings of the two input/output values referred to as
val1 and val2 are as follows:
Name which Values
LK3DIND 1 If val1 is 1, the text of indicator objects does move when selected, otherwise, if 0,
it does not.
If val2 is 1, the color of indicator
objects does change when selected,
otherwise, if 0, it does not.
LK3DACT 2 Same as LK3DIND for activator objects.
INDBUTCOL 3 val1 specifies the default color for
indicator objects. val2 is unused.
ACTBUTCOL 4 val1 specifies the default color for
activator objects. val2 is unused.
BACKGRCOL 5 val1 specifies the default color for
background objects. val2 is unused.
AD3DVAL 6 val1 specifies the number of extra pixels on
each horizontal side of an indicator or
activator object needed to accomodate 3D
val2 specifies the number of extra pixels
on each vertical side of an indicator or
activator object needed to accomodate 3D
This setting may only be read, not
Binding intin[0] = mode;
intin[1] = which;
intin[2] = in1;
intin[3] = in2;
*out1 = intout[1];
*out2 = intout[2];
return intout[0];
Return Value objc_sysvar() returns 0 if unsuccessful or non-zero
Comments Applications should not use objc_sysvar() to change these
settings since all changes are global. Only CPXs or Desk
Accessories designed to modify these parameters should.
Group Object Library