Topic : The ATARI Compendium
Author : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject : Documentation
Nodes : 1117
Index Size : 32614
HCP-Version : 6
Compiled on : Atari
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View Ref-Fileobjc_edit()form_do()form_button()Form Libraryform_keybd() AESSyntaxWORD form_keybd( tree, obj, nextobj, kc, newobj, keyout )
OBJECT *tree;
WORD obj, nextobj, kc;
WORD *newobj, *keyout;
Function form_keybd() processes keyboard input for dialog box
control. It handles special keys such as return, escape,
tab, etc... It is only of real use if you are writing
a customized form_do() routine.
Opcode 55 (0x37)
Availability All AESversions.
Parameters tree points to a valid OBJECT tree containing the dialog
you wish to process. obj is the object index of the object
which currently has edit focus (0 if none). nextobj is
reserved and should be 1.
kc is the value returned from evnt_keybd() or evnt_multi() which represents the keypresses' scan code and ASCII
newobj is a WORD pointer which is filled in on function
exit to be the new object with edit focus unless the return
key was pressed with a default object present in which case
it equals the object index of the object that was the
keyout is the value ready to be passed on to objc_edit() if no processing was required or 0 if the key was processed
and handled by the call.
Binding intin[0] = obj;
intin[1] = kc;
intin[2] = nextobj;
addrin[0] = tree;
*newobj = intout[1];
*keyout = intout[2];
return intout[0];
Return Value form_keybd() returns 0 if a default EXIT object was
triggered by this call or 1 if the dialog should continue
to be processed.
Comments This function was not originally documented by Atari. You
may need to add bindings for this function into some older
'C' compilers.
See Also objc_edit(), form_do(), form_button()Group Form Library