Topic : The ATARI Compendium
Author : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject : Documentation
Nodes : 1117
Index Size : 32614
HCP-Version : 6
Compiled on : Atari
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View Ref-Fileform_alert()Form Libraryform_error() AESSyntaxWORD form_error( error )
WORD error;
Function form_error() displays a pre-defined error alert box to the
Opcode 53 (0x35)
Availability All AESversions.
Parameters error specifies a MS-DOS error code as follows:
Name GEMDOS Error # Error Message
FERR_FILENOTFOUND -33 2 File Not Found
The application can not find
the folder or file that you
tried to access.
FERR_PATHNOTFOUND -34 3 Path Not Found
The application cannot find
the folder or file that you
tried to access.
FERR_NOHANDLES -35 4 No More File Handles
The application does not
have room to open another
document. To make room, close
any open document that you do
not need.
FERR_ACCESSDENIED -36 5 Access Denied
An item with this name
already exists in the
directory, or this item is
set to read-only status.
FERR_LOWMEM -39 8 Insufficient Memory
There is not enough memory
for the application you just
tried to run.
FERR_BADENVIRON -41 10 Invalid Environment
There is not enough memory
for the application you just
tried to run.
FERR_BADFORMAT -42 11 Invalid Format
There is not enough memory
for the application you just
tried to run.
FERR_BADDRIVE -46 15 Invalid Drive Specification
The drive you specified does
not exist.
FERR_DELETEDIR -47 16 Attempt To Delete Working
You cannot delete the folder
in which you are working.
FERR_NOFILES -49 18 No More Files
The application can not find
the folder or file that you
tried to access.
The GEMDOS error number can be translated into a MS-DOS
code by subtracting 31 from the absolute value of the error
Binding intin[0] = error;
return crys_if(0x35);
Return Value The function returns the exit button clicked as in
form_alert(). It is, however, insignifigant as all of the
error alerts have only one button.
Caveats Not every GEMDOS error code has a matching alert box.
See Also form_alert()Group Form Library