Topic : The ATARI Compendium
Author : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject : Documentation
Nodes : 1117
Index Size : 32614
HCP-Version : 6
Compiled on : Atari
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View Ref-Fileevnt_multi()Event Libraryevnt_mouse() AESSyntaxWORD evnt_mouse( flag, x, y, w, h, mx, my, button, kstate )
WORD flag, x, y, w, h;
WORD *mx, *mx, *button, *kstate;
Function evnt_mouse() releases control to the operating system until
the mouse enters or leaves a specified area of the screen.
Opcode 22 (0x16)
Availability All AESversions.
Parameters flag specifies the event to wait for as follows:
Name Value Meaning
MO_ENTER 0 Wait for mouse to enter rectangle.
MO_LEAVE 1 Wait for mouse to leave rectangle.
The rectangle to watch is specified in x, y, w, h, mx and my are WORD pointers which will be filled in with the final
position of the mouse.
button is a WORD pointer which will be filled in upon
return with the final state of the mouse button as defined
in evnt_button().
kstate is a WORD pointer which will be filled in upon
return with the final state of the keyboard shift keys as
defined in evnt_button().
Binding intin[0] = flag;
intin[1] = x;
intin[2] = y;
intin[3] = w;
intin[4] = h;
*mx = intout[1];
*my = intout[2];
*button = intout[3];
*kstate = intout[4];
return intout[0];
Return Value The return value of this function should be reserved
(and should always be 1). Actually it depends on OS you are
running, so it is not reserved any more <JAY>.
Comments The evnt_multi() function can be used to watch two
mouse/rectangle events as opposed to one.
See Also evnt_multi()Group Event Library