Topic : The ATARI Compendium
Author : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject : Documentation
Nodes : 1117
Index Size : 32614
HCP-Version : 6
Compiled on : Atari
@charset : UTF-8
@lang : en
@default :
@help : %About
@options : +g -i -t4 +y +z
@width : 100
View Ref-FileiconblkThe ob_spec field of G_ICONobjects point to an ICONBLK structure as
defined below:
typedef struct icon_block
WORD * ib_pmask;
WORD * ib_pdata;
char * ib_ptext;
WORD ib_char;
WORD ib_xchar;
WORD ib_ychar;
WORD ib_xicon;
WORD ib_yicon;
WORD ib_wicon;
WORD ib_hicon;
WORD ib_xtext;
WORD ib_ytext;
WORD ib_wtext;
WORD ib_htext;
ib_pmask and ib_pdata are pointers to the monochrome mask and image data
respectively. ib_ptext is a string pointer to the icon text. ib_chardefines the icon character (used for drive icons) and the icon foreground
and background color as follows:
ib_charBits 15-12 Bits 11-8 Bits 7-0
Icon Icon ASCII Character (or 0 for no character).
Foreground Background
ColorColorib_xchar and ib_ychar specify the location of the icon character relative
to ib_xicon and ib_yicon. ib_xicon and ib_yicon specify the location of
the icon relative to the ob_x and ob_y of the object. ib_wicon and
ib_hicon specify the width and height of the icon in pixels. As with
images, icons must be a multiple of 16 pixels in width.
ib_xtext and ib_ytext specify the location of the text string relative to
the ob_x and ob_y of the object. ib_wtext and ib_htext specify the width
and height of the icon text area.