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Topic       : TOS - The Operating System
Author      : 
Version     : tos.hyp (December 19, 2008)
Subject     : Programmieren/Atari
Nodes       : 3010
Index Size  : 93790
HCP-Version : 5
Compiled on : Atari
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@width      : 70
View Ref-File4.13.20  Protobt                                                   TOS

 Name:         »prototype boot sector« - Generate a standard boot- 
               sector for a floppy disk.

 Opcode:       18

 Syntax:       void Protobt( void *buf, int32_t serialno, int16_t 
               disktype, int16_t execflag );

 Description:  The XBIOS routine Protobt creates a boot-sector for a 
               floppy disk. The argument buf points to a 512 byte 
               sized buffer holding the contents of the boot-sector. 
               The parameter serialno serves to store a serial number 
               in the boot-sector; if the variable serialno is greater 
               than 0x01000000, then a random number will be stored 
               instead. With disktype one of the following floppy disk 
               types will be selected:

                disktype  Meaning

                  -1      Don't change disk type
                   0      40 tracks, single-sided (180 kbyte)
                   1      40 tracks, double-sided (360 kbyte)
                   2      80 tracks, single-sided (360 kbyte)
                   3      80 tracks, double-sided (720 kbyte)
                   4      High Density (1,44 Mbyte)
                          is only supported if the cookie _FDC holds 
                          the value for HD support.
                   5      Extra High Density (2,88 Mbyte)
                          is only supported if the cookie _FDC holds 
                          the value for ED support.

               Finally, the parameter execflag determines whether the 
               information in the boot-sector can be executed as a 
               program. The following apply:

                execflag  Meaning

                -1        Do not alter boot-sector
                 0        Boot-sector is not executable
                 1        Boot-sector is executable

               Note: So that floppy disks may be read on MS-DOS 
               systems as well, the first 3 bytes of the boot-sector 
               have to have the values 0xE9, 0x00 and 0x4E or 0xEB, 
               0x34 and 0x90 entered; however, floppy disks of this 
               kind are then no longer bootable under TOS.

 Return value: The function does not return a result.

 Availability: All TOS versions.

 Group:        Drive functions

 See also:     Binding   Flopfmt