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Topic       : The GFA-Basic Compendium
Author      : GFA Systemtechnik GmbH
Version     : GFABasic.HYP v2.98 (12/31/2023)
Subject     : Documentation/Programming
Nodes       : 899
Index Size  : 28056
HCP-Version : 3
Compiled on : Atari
@charset    : atarist
@lang       : 
@default    : Document not found
@help       : Help
@options    : +g -i -s +z
@width      : 75
@hostname   : STRNGSRV
@hostname   : CAB     
@hostname   : HIGHWIRE
@hostname   : THING   
View Ref-File*******************************  lineaequ.s  *********************************
* $Revision: 3.1 $      $Source: /u/lozben/projects/vdi/mtaskvdi/RCS/lineaequ.s,v $
* ============================================================================
* $Author: lozben $     $Date: 91/07/29 14:55:44 $     $Locker:  $
* ============================================================================
* $Log: lineaequ.s,v $
* Revision 3.1  91/07/29  14:55:44  lozben
* Created this file of needed equates for the new multitasking vdi.

.include        "devequ.s"

*       Non-Overlayable Variables       *
angle           =       -910
beg_ang         =       -908
CUR_FONT        =       -906
del_ang         =       -902
deltay          =       -900
deltay1         =       -898
deltay2         =       -896
end_ang         =       -894
fil_intersect   =       -892
fill_maxy       =       -890
fill_miny       =       -888
n_steps         =       -886
odeltay         =       -884
s_begsty        =       -882
s_endsty        =       -880
s_fil_col       =       -878
s_fill_per      =       -876
s_patmsk        =       -874
s_patptr        =       -872
start           =       -868
xc              =       -866
xrad            =       -864
yc              =       -860
yrad            =       -858

mouse_cdb       =       -856    ; define the mouse form storage area
m_pos_hx        =       -856    ; Mouse hot spot - x coord
m_pos_hy        =       -854    ; Mouse hot spot - y coord
m_planes        =       -852    ; Mouse planes (reserved, but we used it!)
m_cdb_bg        =       -850    ; Mouse background color as pel value
m_cdb_fg        =       -848    ; Mouse foreground color as pel value
mask_form       =       -846    ; Storage for mouse cursor mask and form

_INQ_TAB        =       -782
_DEV_TAB        =       -692

_GCURXY         =       -602
_GCURX          =       -602
_GCURY          =       -600

_HIDE_CNT       =       -598
_MOUSE_BT       =       -596
_REQ_COL        =       -594
_SIZ_TAB        =       -498
_TERM_CH        =       -468
_chc_mode       =       -466
_cur_work       =       -464    ; pointer to current works attributes
_def_font       =       -460    ; pointer to default font head
_font_ring      =       -456
_ini_font_count =       -440
_line_cw        =       -438
_loc_mode       =       -436
_num_qc_lines   =       -434

trap14sav       =       -432    ; space to save the return address
col_or_mask     =       -428    ; some modes this is ored in VS_COLOR
col_and_mask    =       -424    ; some modes this is anded in VS_COLOR
trap14bsav      =       -420    ; space to sav ret adr (for reentrency)

_str_mode       =       -352
_val_mode       =       -350

_MOUSE_ST       =       -348
cur_ms_stat     =       -348    ; Current mouse status bits
                                ;        bits used as follows
                                ;        0   LEFT button state
                                ;        1   RIGHT button state
                                ;        2-4 not used
                                ;        5   movement status
                                ;        6   LEFT button changed
                                ;        7   RIGHT button changed

disab_cnt       =       -346

_XYDRAW         =       -344
 xydraw         =       -344    ; x,y communication block.
_DRAW_FLAG      =       -340
 draw_flag      =       -340    ; Non-zero means draw mouse form on vblank

mouse_flag      =       -339    ; Non-zero if mouse ints disabled

retsav          =       -338
sav_cxy         =       -334    ; save area for cursor cell coords
sav_cx          =       -334    ; save area for cursor cell coords X pos
sav_cy          =       -332    ; save area for cursor cell coords Y pos

save_block      =       -330
save_len        =       -330
save_addr       =       -328    ; screen address of 1st word of plane 0
save_stat       =       -324
save_area       =       -322    ; save up to 4 planes. 16 longwords / plane

tim_addr        =       -66
tim_chain       =       -62
user_but        =       -58     ; user button vector
user_cur        =       -54     ; user cursor vector
user_mot        =       -50     ; user motion vector

v_cel_ht        =       -46
v_cel_mx        =       -44
v_cel_my        =       -42
v_cel_wr        =       -40     ; used in ST blitter code otherwise obsolete
v_col_bg        =       -38
v_col_fg        =       -36
v_cur_ad        =       -34
v_cur_off       =       -30
v_cur_cx        =       -28
v_cur_cy        =       -26
vct_init        =       -24     ; v_cur_tim reload value.
v_cur_tim       =       -23
v_fnt_ad        =       -22
v_fnt_nd        =       -18
v_fnt_st        =       -16
v_fnt_wr        =       -14
v_hz_rez        =       -12
v_off_ad        =       -10
v_stat_0        =       -6
v_delay         =       -5
v_vt_rez        =       -4
_bytes_lin      =       -2      ; copy of _v_lin_wr for concat.

lineavar        =       0
_v_planes       =       0       ; number of video planes.
_v_lin_wr       =       2       ; number of bytes/video line.

local_pb        =       4

_CONTRL         =       4       ; ptr to the CONTRL array.
_INTIN          =       8       ; ptr to the INTIN array.
_PTSIN          =       12      ; ptr to the PTSIN array.
_INTOUT         =       16      ; ptr to the INTOUT array.
_PTSOUT         =       20      ; ptr to the PTSOUT array.

_FG_BP_1        =       24      ; foreground bit_plane #1 value.
_FG_BP_2        =       26      ; foreground bit_plane #2 value.
_FG_BP_3        =       28      ; foreground bit_plane #3 value.
_FG_BP_4        =       30      ; foreground bit_plane #4 value.
_LSTLIN         =       32      ; 0 => not last line of polyline.
_LN_MASK        =       34      ; line style mask.
_WRT_MODE       =       36      ; writing mode.

_X1             =       38      ; _X1.
_Y1             =       40      ; _Y1.
_X2             =       42      ; _X2.
_Y2             =       44      ; _Y2.
_patptr         =       46      ; ptr to pattern.
_patmsk         =       50      ; pattern index. (mask)
_multifill      =       52      ; multi-plane fill flag. (0 => 1 plane)

_CLIP           =       54      ; clipping flag.
_XMN_CLIP       =       56      ; x minimum clipping value.
_YMN_CLIP       =       58      ; y minimum clipping value.
_XMX_CLIP       =       60      ; x maximum clipping value.
_YMX_CLIP       =       62      ; y maximum clipping value.

_XACC_DDA       =       64      ; accumulator for x DDA
_DDA_INC        =       66      ; the fraction to be added to the DDA
_T_SCLSTS       =       68      ; scale up or down flag.
_MONO_STATUS    =       70      ; non-zero - cur font is monospaced
_SOURCEX        =       72
_SOURCEY        =       74      ; upper left of character in font file
_DESTX          =       76
_DESTY          =       78      ; upper left of destination on screen
_DELX           =       80
_DELY           =       82      ; width and height of character
_FBASE          =       84      ; pointer to font data
_FWIDTH         =       88      ; offset,segment and form with of font
_STYLE          =       90      ; special effects
_LITEMASK       =       92      ; special effects
_SKEWMASK       =       94      ; special effects
_WEIGHT         =       96      ; special effects
_R_OFF          =       98
_L_OFF          =       100     ; skew above and below baseline
_DOUBLE         =       102     ; replicate pixels
_CHUP           =       104     ; character rotation vector
_TEXT_FG        =       106     ; text foreground color
_scrtchp        =       108     ; pointer to base of scratch buffer
_scrpt2         =       112     ; large buffer base offset
_TEXT_BG        =       114     ; text background color
_COPYTRAN       =       116     ; copy raster form type flag. (opaque/trans)
_quitfill       =       118     ; ptr to routine for quitting seedfill.
UserDevInit     =       122     ; ptr to user routine before dev_init
UserEscInit     =       126     ; ptr to user routine before esc_init

V_ROUTINES      =       162     ; pointer to drawing primitives vector list
CUR_DEV         =       166     ; pointer to current device structure
_BLT_MODE       =       170

_REQ_X_COL      =       174     ; extended request color array

sv_blk_ptr      =       1614    ; points to the proper save block
_FG_B_PLANES    =       1618    ; foreground bit planes flags (bit 0 is plane 0)

_FG_BP_5        =       1622    ; foreground bit_plane #5 value.
_FG_BP_6        =       1624    ; foreground bit_plane #6 value.
_FG_BP_7        =       1626    ; foreground bit_plane #7 value.
_FG_BP_8        =       1628    ; foreground bit_plane #8 value.

_save_block     =       1630
_save_len       =       1630
_save_addr      =       1632    ; screen address of 1st word of plane 0
_save_stat      =       1636
_save_area      =       1638    ; save up to 8 planes. 16 longwords / plane

q_circle        =       2662    ; space to build circle coordinates

******************* NEW EQUATES *******************

byt_per_pix     =       2822    ; number of bytes per pixel (0 if < 1)
form_id         =       2824    ; scrn form 2 ST, 1 stndrd, 3 pix
vl_col_bg       =       2826    ; escape background color
vl_col_fg       =       2830    ; escape foreground color
pal_map         =       2834    ; either a maping of reg's or true val
V_PRIMITIVES    =       3858    ; all the vectored primitives