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Topic       : TOS - The Operating System
Author      : 
Version     : tos.hyp (December 19, 2008)
Subject     : Programmieren/Atari
Nodes       : 3010
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HCP-Version : 5
Compiled on : Atari
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View Ref-File4.13.6  Flopver                                                    TOS

 Name:         »Floppy verify« - Verify sectors of a floppy disk.

 Opcode:       19

 Syntax:       int16_t Flopver( void *buf, int32_t filler, int16_t 
               devno, int16_ sectno, int16_t trackno, int16_t sideno, 
               int16_t count );

 Description:  The XBIOS routine Flopver verifies that a series of 
               sectors can be read without error from a floppy disk 
               drive. The following apply:

                Parameter  Meaning

                buf        Pointer to a 1024 byte block of memory into 
                           which the sectors to be verified can be 
                filler     Unused (should be set to 0)
                devno      Drive:
                            0  =  Drive A: 
                            1  =  Drive B: 

                sectno     Start sector (normally between 1 and 9)
                trackno    Track nummer (normally between 0 and 79)
                sideno     Side of the floppy disk (0 or 1)
                count      Number of sectors to be verified

               Note: After the call one finds in the parameter buf a 
               NULL-terminated list of 16-bit words containing the 
               numbers of the defective sectors. So the function does 
               not compare sectors with a block of memory; instead it 
               always reads the sectors into the same buffer. This 
               only verifies that the sectors can be read correctly, 
               or if read errors occur during reading.

 Return value: The function returns the value 0 if the list stored in 
               the parameter buf is valid, or a non-zero value 

               Die Funktion liefert als Ergebnis den Wert 0, wenn die 
               im Parameter buf abgelegte Liste gültig ist und 
               anderenfalls einen Wert ungleich Null.

 Availability: All TOS versions.

 Group:        Drive functions

 See also:     Binding