Topic : The GFA-Basic Compendium
Author : GFA Systemtechnik GmbH
Version : GFABasic.HYP v2.98 (12/31/2023)
Subject : Documentation/Programming
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View Ref-FileEXEC mod,nam,cmdl,envs
mod: iexp
ret: ivar (always use a long)
nam, cmdl, envs: sexp
EXEC can be used as a command or as a function (returns a long). It enables
the loading and starting of programs from disk, which return to the calling
program after completion. Before the EXEC call, the calling program must have
allocated enough memory space for the program (see example). The parameter
'mod' specifies the 'Call mode' as follows:
0 --> Load and Start program.
3 --> Load program only.
The string expression 'nam' contains the file name of the program to be loaded
(and optionally started). The format of the file name conforms to the rules of
the hierarchical filing system, described in 'Chapter 6 - Input and Output'.
The expression 'cmdl' contains the command line, which is stored in the
BASEPAGE of the called program. The first character of the command line
contains it's length (maximum 127). This is known as a Pascal style string.
The string 'envs' contains the Environment. This is a string terminated by
CHR$(0). The Environment is a series of strings, each terminated by CHR$(0).
THe Environment is used in different ways and varies depending on the program
being started.
If one calls EXEC as a function, then one receives the program's returned
value, or, for mod=3, the address of the BASEPAGE of the called program. EXEC 3
is only for special programs which include overlays, debugging programs etc.
c$="a:\imgage.pi1" !build command line
cmd$=CHR$(LEN(c$))+c$ ! pascal style string
env$="SIZE=NORMAL"+CHR$(0)+"OUTPUT=NEO"+CHR$(0) !environment string
f$="c:\gfx\imgtool.prg" !program to be started
PRINT "Back in GFA BASIC. Returned value=";a%
--> A program is loaded and called (if it does not require too much memory) and
returns to the interpreter on completion. The returned value, which is
returned by the EXEC function, can also be given by programs by
terminating them with QUIT n or SYSTEM n.
Memo: At the moment a process is started the processor looks like this:
d0-d7 -> ?
a0 -> BASEPAGE - Application was started as a desk accossory (<>0)
a1-a6 -> ?
a7 -> End of application memory
4(a7) -> BASEPAGE - Application was started as a normal program
Internally EXEC will clip strings to the following limits:
cmdl$ -> 4000 characters
encs$ -> 4000 characters
cmdl$ -> 200 characters
envs$ -> 2000 characters
Internally EXEC also terminates all 3 strings with a double NULL.
This however doesn't seem to matter.
EXEC is really a wrapper for Pexec(), but since the parameters are
limited to strings, some modes cannot be called without using a custom
Pexec()+, shel_write()+