Topic : The GFA-Basic Compendium
Author : GFA Systemtechnik GmbH
Version : GFABasic.HYP v2.98 (12/31/2023)
Subject : Documentation/Programming
Nodes : 899
Index Size : 28056
HCP-Version : 3
Compiled on : Atari
@charset : atarist
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@default : Document not found
@help : Help
@options : +g -i -s +z
@width : 75
@hostname : STRNGSRV
@hostname : CAB
@hostname : HIGHWIRE
@hostname : THING
View Ref-FileRCALL addr,reg%()
addr: iexp
reg%(): integer array (4-byte)
The instruction RCALL enables the assembler routine to start with pre-allocated
values in the registers, and the BASIC program to query the register contents
when the routine returns. The integer-sized array reg%(), which must have at
least 16 elements, serves this purpose. Before the assembler routine is
started, the entries in this array are automatically copied into the
appropriate registers. At the end of the routine the contents of the registers
are written back into the appropriate elements. The registers and array
elements are related as follows (assuming OPTION BASE 0):
Data registers d0 to d7 <--> reg%(0) to reg%(7)
Address registers a0 to a6 <--> reg%(8) to reg%(14)
User stack pointer (a7) --> reg%(15) (return only)
The assembler listing below expects the address (logical or physical) of the
screen memory in a0. It then inverts the screen display between the given y
coordinates, which are passed in d0 and d1. With a color display, the y
coordinates will have to be adjusted accordingly.
sub d0,d1 ; Number of lines to invert
mulu #20,d1 ; Number of bytes to invert
subq #1,d1 ; Number of bytes to invert
mulu #80,d0 ; Number bytes not to be inverted
add.l d0,a0 ; Address of first byte to be inverted
loop: ; Loop start
not.l (a0)+ ; Long (4-byte) inversion, also a0=a0+4
dbra d1,loop ; Decrement byte count and loop round
rts ; Return to GFA BASIC
The program to call this routine reads:
EXIT IF a%=-1
DATA 37440,49916,20,21313
DATA 49404,80,53696
DATA 18072,20937,65532,20085,-1
DIM r%(16)
FOR j%=1 TO 50
FOR i%=0 TO 190 STEP 10
RCALL V:a$,r%()
--> The program produces a graphic display. It is also possible, as with C:, to
use the INLINE command.
Memo: Registers a3 to a6 are saved/restored automatically by the compiler.
If the array is too small, issues wrong error code (#16).
DIM reg%(15) is the bare minimum.