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Topic       : The GFA-Basic Compendium
Author      : GFA Systemtechnik GmbH
Version     : GFABasic.HYP v2.98 (12/31/2023)
Subject     : Documentation/Programming
Nodes       : 899
Index Size  : 28056
HCP-Version : 3
Compiled on : Atari
@charset    : atarist
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@default    : Document not found
@help       : Help
@options    : +g -i -s +z
@width      : 75
@hostname   : STRNGSRV
@hostname   : CAB     
@hostname   : HIGHWIRE
@hostname   : THING   
View Ref-FileACLIP flag,xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax

flag, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax: iexp

This instruction makes it possible to define a 'clipping' rectangle, to which
Line-A screen output will be limited. The coordinates of the top left and
bottom right corners of the Clipping rectangle are given by xmin, ymin, xmax,
and ymax. If 'flag' is given a non-zero value the clipping is active, otherwise
(if flag=0) it is switched off. ACLIP is not valid (unfortunately) for PSET,

Memo: This is not really a Line-A function per say.
      It simply writes the parameters into the Line-A variables.

      ACLIP -> CLIP, XMINCL, YMINCL, XMAXCL, YMAXCL (Line-A variables)

Line-A Variable Table+