Topic : The GFA-Basic Compendium Author : GFA Systemtechnik GmbH Version : GFABasic.HYP v2.98 (12/31/2023) Subject : Documentation/Programming Nodes : 899 Index Size : 28056 HCP-Version : 3 Compiled on : Atari @charset : atarist @lang : @default : Document not found @help : Help @options : +g -i -s +z @width : 75 @hostname : STRNGSRV @hostname : CAB @hostname : HIGHWIRE @hostname : THING View Ref-FileW:x L:x x: iexp These two functions enable the user to pass numerical expressions to Operating System functions and C-routines as either word (2-byte, W:) or longword (4-byte, L:). By default the word format is used. Example: DIM screen_2|(32255) phys_base%=XBIOS(2) old_screen%=phys_base% log_base%=V:screen_2|(0)+255 AND &HFFFFFF00 ~XBIOS(5,L:log_base%,L:phys_base%,-1) SWAP log_base%,phys_base% REPEAT IF MOUSEK=1 ~XBIOS(5,L:log_base%,L:phys_base%,-1) SWAP log_base%,phys_base% REPEAT UNTIL MOUSEK=0 ENDIF PLOT MOUSEX,MOUSEY UNTIL MOUSEK=2 ~XBIOS(5,L:old_screen%,L:old_screen%,-1) --> XBIOS(5) is used to switch between two display screens each time the left mouse button is pressed. Moving the mouse causes points to be plotted on the screen which is not currently visible. Pressing the right mouse button terminates the program.