Topic : The ATARI Compendium
Author : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject : Documentation
Nodes : 1117
Index Size : 32614
HCP-Version : 6
Compiled on : Atari
@charset : UTF-8
@lang : en
@default :
@help : %About
@options : +g -i -t4 +y +z
@width : 100
View Ref-FileEgetShift()EsetShift()EsetSmear() XBIOSSyntaxWORD EsetSmear( mode )
WORD mode;
Function EsetSmear() reads/modifies the current state of the video
shifter's smear mode bit.
Opcode 87 (0x57)
Availability This call is available when the high word of the '_VDO'
cookie has a value of 2.
Parameters mode specifies the action of this call as follows:
Name mode Meaning
ESM_INQUIRE -1 Return the smear bit of the video shifter.
ESM_NORMAL 0 Set the video shifter to process video
data normally.
ESM_SMEAR 1 Set the video shifter to repeat the color
of the last displayed pixel each time
a 0x0000 is read from video memory.
Binding move.w mode,-(sp)
move.w #$57,-(sp)
trap #14
addq.l #4,sp
Return Value EsetSmear() returns the prior setting of the video shifter's
smear mode bit.
See Also EgetShift(), EsetShift()