Topic : TOS - The Operating System Author : Version : tos.hyp (December 19, 2008) Subject : Programmieren/Atari Nodes : 3010 Index Size : 93790 HCP-Version : 5 Compiled on : Atari @charset : atarist @lang : @default : Title @help : @options : +g -i -s +x +zz -t4 @width : 70 View Ref-File A A simple xFSL call A3 format A4 format A5 format ABC-GEM ABLE_EMSDESK ABLE_GETINFO ABLE_PROP ABLE_PROP2 ABLE_WTREE ABLE_X3D ABLE_XBVSET ABLE_XSHL About the AES About the BIOS About the GDOS About the GEMDOS About the VDI About the XBIOS About the xFSL interface About XCONTROL AC_CLOSE AC_OPEN ACC_ACC ACC_ACK ACC_CLOSE ACC_DSINFO ACC_EXIT ACC_FIELDINFO ACC_FILEINFO ACC_FORCESDF ACC_GETDSI ACC_GETFIELDS ACC_GETSDF ACC_ID ACC_IMG ACC_KEY ACC_META ACC_OPEN ACC_REPLY ACC_REQUEST ACC_TEXT Accessories in MagiC Accessories, Startup-code for Acoustic feedback ACSI, Vector for ACTBUTCOL ActiveModeNumber AD3DVALUE Additional programs for MagiC ADDMEM addr_in addr_out Address Error vector AES aes AES bindings AES Broadcasting AES clones AES function list AES fundamentals AES in source text? AES messages AES object colours AES object flags AES object stati AES object types AES parameter-block AES structures AES version number AES, Origin of the AES-TRAP AES_AOPTS AES_ARCH_M68K AES_DEVSTATUS_ALPHA AES_DEVSTATUS_BETA AES_DEVSTATUS_RELEASE AES_FDEVSTATUS_STABLE AES_FUNCTIONS AES_VERSION AES_WOPTS AESVARS AESVARS, Pointer to AESVARS Alert boxes Alignment Alternate-Help, Zähler für AMC-GDOS Analysis of a metafile ANI_MOUSE AO0_OBJC_EDIT AO0_WF_SLIDER AOPT_CLEAR AOPT_SET AP_DRAGDROP AP_RESCHG AP_TERM AP_TFAIL APC_HIDE APC_HIDENOT APC_INFO APC_KILL APC_MENU APC_SHOW APC_SYSTEM APC_TOP APC_TOPNEXT APC_WIDGETS APCI_HASDESK APCI_HASMBAR APCI_HIDDEN APFLG APL development systems APP_ACCESSORY APP_APPLICATION APP_DESK APP_FIRST APP_NEXT APP_SHELL APP_SYSTEM APP_TASKINFO Appendix APPFLAGS appl_bvset appl_control appl_exit appl_find appl_getinfo appl_getinfo, Existence of appl_getinfo_str appl_init appl_options appl_read appl_search appl_tplay appl_trecord appl_write appl_xbvset appl_xgetinfo appl_yield APPLICAT Application library Application, Freezing of an Application, Switching to Application, Thawing of an APPLRECORD Apportionment of resources with threads Arbitrary line Arbitration Archive header (ARHEADER) ARGV at the caller ARGV procedure ARGV procedure as of MagiC 3.0 ARGV procedure, extended ARGV with a launched program ARHEADER ARROW ASCII table Assembler development systems ASSIGN.SYS file as of GEM/3 Assignment of the real-time clock's NVM atariModePossible Attribute functions Attributes of a file Attributes, Bitmap Attributes, Fill Attributes, Lines Attributes, Marker Attributes, Superior Attributes, Text Authors and programs AUTO folder, Start from the AUTO-Ordner, Zugriffspfad für Auto-vector Interrupt, Level 1 Auto-vector Interrupt, Level 2 Auto-vector Interrupt, Level 3 Auto-Vector Interrupt, Level 4 Auto-Vector interrupt, Level 5 Auto-Vector interrupt, Level 7 AUTOEXEC.BAT in MagiC auxControl AV functions AV protocol AV protocol, Quoting in AV_ACCWINDCLOSED AV_ACCWINDOPEN AV_ASKCONFONT AV_ASKFILEFONT AV_ASKOBJECT AV_COPY_DRAGGED AV_COPYFILE AV_DELFILE AV_DRAG_ON_WINDOW AV_EXIT AV_FILEINFO AV_GETSTATUS AV_OPENCONSOLE AV_OPENWIND AV_PATH_UPDATE AV_PROTOKOLL AV_SENDCLICK AV_SENDKEY AV_SETWINDPOS AV_STARTED AV_STARTPROG AV_STATUS AV_VIEW AV_WHAT_IZIT AV_XWIND B B5 format BACKDROP BACKGRCOL Background-DMA in MagiC BASEPAGE Basic development systems Basic XAcc messages Baud-rate generator, Vector for BCB Bconin Bconmap BCONMAP Bconout Bconstat Bcostat BEG_MCTRL BEG_UPDATE Bell bell_hook Betriebssystems, Ende des Bildspeicher, Anfang des Binding of a metafile sub-opcode Bindings of the AES Bindings of the VDI BIOS bios BIOS Dispatcher BIOS error-messages BIOS function list BIOS Structures BIOS, Parameterübergabe im BIOS, The bios-trap Bioskeys Bit block transfer Bit-image drivers Bit-Strings BITBLK BITBLT BITBUTTON Bitmap attributes Bitmap fonts, Header for Bitmap format for printer drivers BITMAP_FONT Blink_off Blink_on Blitmode BLK_CLEARED BLK_ERR BLK_OK Bootlaufwerks, Nummer des BootRoot Bootsektors, Laden des BORDER BPB BPB, Ermitteln des Broadcasting of the AES BubbleGEM BubbleGEM cookies BUBBLEGEM_ACK BUBBLEGEM_ASKFONT BUBBLEGEM_FONT BUBBLEGEM_HIDE BUBBLEGEM_REQUEST BUBBLEGEM_SHOW Buffer Control Block (BCB) buffoper buffptr Bus Error vector BUSY interrupt, Vector for BUSY_BEE BUSYBEE bypass ByteFromLink ByteToLink C C development systems C++ development systems C-string to VDI-string CAB_CHANGED CAB_EXIT CAB_HELLO CAB_MAIL CAB_MAILSENT CAB_PATH CAB_RELEASESTATUS CAB_REQUESTSTATUS CAB_STATUS CAB_SUPPORT CAB_TERM CAB_VIEW Cache purging, CPU CacheCtrl Calling procedure for modal dialogs callMacContext Calvino Camera drivers cardadr cardmagic cardsel cardslot Cauxin Cauxis Cauxos Cauxout CBDraw cblmode CBLock cblread CBUnembed CC_APPMODAL CC_CLOSER CC_DFLTSIZE CC_FAKESTYLE CC_FIX31 CC_INVSTYLE CC_NOALIGN CC_NOATTR CC_NOCOLOR CC_NOKERN CC_NOROTATION CC_NOSIZE CC_NOSKEW CC_NOWIDTH CC_WINDOW Cconin Cconis Cconos Cconout Cconrs Cconws CD CD-ROM definitions CD-ROM functions cd_ad CD_DISC_INFO CD_TOC_ENTRY CDROM_AUDIO_COMPLETED CDROM_AUDIO_EMPHASIS CDROM_AUDIO_ERROR CDROM_AUDIO_INVALID CDROM_AUDIO_NO_STATUS CDROM_AUDIO_PAUSED CDROM_AUDIO_PLAY cdrom_audioctrl CDROM_COPY_PERMITTED CDROM_DATA_TRACK CDROM_FOUR_CHANNEL CDROM_LBA CDROM_LEADOUT cdrom_mcn CDROM_MSF cdrom_msf cdrom_read cdrom_subchnl cdrom_ti cdrom_tisrc cdrom_tocentry cdrom_tochdr cdrom_volctrl CDROMALLOWREMOVAL CDROMAUDIOCTRL CDROMEJECT CDROMGETMCN CDROMGETTISRC CDROMPAUSE CDROMPLAYMSF CDROMPLAYTRKIND CDROMPREVENTREMOVAL CDROMREADDA CDROMREADMODE1 CDROMREADMODE2 CDROMREADOFFSET CDROMREADTOCENTRY CDROMREADTOCHDR CDROMRESUME CDROMSTART CDROMSTOP CDROMSUBCHNL CDROMVOLCTRL Central Processing Unit, Type of the CENTScreen XBIOS extension CH_EXIT Changes in PC-GEM Character input/output Character offset table CHECKED CHK Instruction Exception vector CICON CICONBLK CJar CL_COMMAND CL_INIT CL_TIME Classic XAcc Clean programming Clear_down Clear_eol Clear_home Clear_line Clear_sol Clear_up ClearPageMode Click, Double- Click, Single- Clicks, Multiple Client minimum requirement ClientData ClientGEMPB Clip Clipboard, Data exchange via Clipping clkdivide Clock (200Hz), Vector for Clones, AES CLOSER CLRCAT CLUT CMD_ALLOCMEM CMD_ALLOCPAGE CMD_ENUMMODES CMD_FLIPPAGE CMD_FREEMEM CMD_FREEPAGE CMD_GETINFO CMD_GETMODE CMD_SETADR CMD_SETMODE CMD_TESTMODE Cnecin Co-processor, mathematical Code, self-modifying COLOR_ENTRY COLOR_RGB COLOR_TAB colorptr Colour icons present? Colour index and pixel value, VDI Colour lookup table (CLUT) Colour table functions Colour, Subjectivity of Command lines, extended COMMAND.PRG, Starten von Compatibility considerations Components of a window Computer family CON: Attribut-Bits des Gerätes con_state configKernel Configuration inquiry Constants for the Falcon's video hardware Contact Contact initiation Contents Contents conterm Context-sensitive help Context-sensitive menus contrl control Control functions controlSwitch Cookie and XBRA list Cookie jar Cookie jar, End of Cookie jar, Size of Cookie list Cookie name, Choice of Cookie, ?FSC Cookie, _␛⇨0033␛ Cookie, __NF Cookie, _AKP Cookie, _CPU Cookie, _DOS Cookie, _FDC Cookie, _FLK Cookie, _FPU Cookie, _FRB Cookie, _FSR Cookie, _IDT Cookie, _INF Cookie, _MCH Cookie, _MET Cookie, _MIL Cookie, _NET Cookie, _OOL Cookie, _PCI Cookie, _PWR Cookie, _SLM Cookie, _SND Cookie, _SWI Cookie, _T2W Cookie, _T2W Cookie, _VDO Cookie, Deleting a Cookie, EdDI Cookie, EdDI Cookie, MagX Cookie, McSn Cookie, MgMc Cookie, MgMx Cookie, MNAM Cookie, Null- Cookie, NVDI Cookie, OVER Cookie, Placing of a Cookie, PMMU Cookie, STEM Cookies under MagiC Mac Cooperation between MagiC and the MacOS Coordinates, NDC Coordinates, Normalized Coordinates, RC Copies of a printed page COPS COPS, Test for Copy raster form CopyModeToActiveMode Core dump Core dump, Name for Cprnos Cprnout CPU cache purging CPU, Stackframes der CPU, Type of the CPX file, Format of a CPX file, Header of a CPX functions CPX module, Activation of a CPX programming guidelines CPX, Event CPX, Form CPX, Suffix of a cpx_button cpx_call cpx_close cpx_draw cpx_hook cpx_init cpx_key cpx_m1 cpx_m2 CPX_Save cpx_timer cpx_wmove CPXHEAD CPXINFO Crawcin Crawio Crazy-Dots XBIOS extension criticret CROSSED crys_if CT60 XBIOS extension ct60_cache ct60_flush_cache ct60_read_core_temperature ct60_rw_parameter ct60_vmalloc CT_KEY CTS interrupt, Vector for Cubase MROS Cur_down Cur_home Cur_left Cur_off Cur_on Cur_right Cur_up Cursconf Cursor position, Return of the D D&D-listing_1 d_biosdev d_devcode d_dfs d_drive d_driver d_root d_xfs Data exchange via clipboard Data exchange via the GEM clipboard Data structure Data structures for a DFS Data structures for an XFS Data-type fix31 Data-types dataID Date and Time Date, Time and Timer DB Dbmsg DC DCD interrupt, Vector for Dchroot Dclosedir Dcntl Dcreate DD_CLIPBOARD dd_dmd DD_EXT DD_LEN DD_NAK DD_OK DD_PRINTER dd_refcnt DD_TRASH Ddelete ddev_close ddev_datime ddev_delete ddev_getc ddev_getline ddev_ioctl ddev_open ddev_putc ddev_read ddev_seek ddev_stat ddev_write Declaration of sources DEFAULT Defines (SSP) Definition of the driver daisy chain defshiftmd Del_line Description of the ␛⇨0033␛ writing modes Descriptor, Directory Descriptor, Directory handle Descriptor, Drive medium Descriptor, File Details about vector fonts Detecting the presence of TosBox, Steem and PaCifiST dev_close dev_datime dev_descr dev_getc dev_getline DEV_INSTALL dev_ioctl DEV_M_INSTALL DEV_NEWBIOS DEV_NEWTTY dev_putc dev_read dev_seek dev_stat dev_write devconnect DEVDRV Development systems Development systems, APL Development systems, Assembler Development systems, Basic Development systems, C Development systems, C++ Development systems, Fortran77+ Development systems, functional Development systems, Modula Development systems, Oberon Development systems, Pascal Development systems, RCS Device number of the VDI Device-independent format Dfree DFS, Data structures for a DFS-concept in MagiC dfs_dfree dfs_dir2FD dfs_dir2index dfs_drv_close dfs_drv_open dfs_ext_fd dfs_fcreate dfs_fdelete dfs_fxattr DFS_GETINFO dfs_init DFS_INSTDFS dfs_name dfs_next dfs_pathconf dfs_readlink dfs_sfirst dfs_snext dfs_sync Dgetcwd Dgetdrv Dgetpath dhd_dmd DHST DHST_ACK DHST_ADD Diablo drivers DIALOG Dialog boxes Dialog boxes, Alert Dialog boxes, Creation of Dialog boxes, Design rules for Dialog boxes, modal Dialog boxes, nonmodal Dialogs, GDOS fonts in digana digcode digcom digmode digsrate DIN A3 DIN A4 DIN A5 DIN B5 DIP switches Directory descriptor Directory functions Directory handle descriptor DISABLED Diskettenlaufwerke, Anzahl der Diskettenlaufwerks, Seekrate des DISKINFO Dispatcher, BIOS Dispatcher, GEMDOS Dispatcher, XBIOS Display Enable Signal vector DITHER_MODE Diverting vectors Division by Zero Error vector Dlock DMA-Chip, Zugriff auf DMAread DMAwrite DNARROW Document History protocol DOMagixAESVars Domain, MiNT- Domain, TOS- Dopendir DOSMODE Dosound DOSTIME DOSVARS Double-click DP DP_ATOMIC DP_CASE DP_IOPEN DP_MAXLINKS DP_MODEATTR DP_NAMEMAX DP_PATHMAX DP_TRUNC DP_VOLNAMEMAX DP_XATTRFIELDS Dpathconf Drag&Drop protocol Drag&Drop, Data-types for Drag&Drop, Header bei Drag&Drop, Source text for Drag&Drop, Status bytes for Draw sprite DRAW3D Dreaddir Dreadlabel Drewinddir Drive functions Drive medium descriptor Driver types Drivers, Bit-image Drivers, Camera Drivers, Fax Drivers, GDOS Drivers, Memory Drivers, Metafile Drivers, Plotter Drivers, Printer Drivers, Screen Drivers, Tablet Drivers, VDI DRS DRV_ENTRY DRV_INFO Drvmap Dsetdrv Dsetpath DSP programming Dsp_Available Dsp_BlkBytes Dsp_BlkHandShake Dsp_BlkUnpacked Dsp_BlkWords Dsp_DoBlock Dsp_ExecBoot Dsp_ExecProg Dsp_FlushSubroutines Dsp_GetProgAbility Dsp_GetWordSize Dsp_Hf0 Dsp_Hf1 Dsp_Hf2 Dsp_Hf3 dsp_hostcommand Dsp_HStat Dsp_InqSubrAbility Dsp_InStream Dsp_IOStream Dsp_LoadProg Dsp_LoadSubroutine Dsp_Lock Dsp_LodToBinary Dsp_MultBlocks Dsp_OutStream Dsp_RemoveInterrupts Dsp_RequestUniqueAbility Dsp_Reserve Dsp_RunSubroutine Dsp_SetVectors Dsp_TriggerHC Dsp_Unlock DSPBLOCK dspclear dspintact dspmemory dspmix dspmode dspreset dsptristate DT DTA Dwritelabel Dxopendir Dxreaddir E E2BIG E_CHNG E_CRC E_OK E_SEEK EACCDN EACCES EADDRINUSE EADDRNOTAVAIL EADV EAFNOSUPPORT EAGAIN EALREADY EAUTH EBACKGROUND EBADARG EBADE EBADF EBADMSG EBADR EBADRPC EBADRQ EBADRQC EBADSEC EBADSF EBADSLT EBFONT EBREAK EBUSY ECHILD ECHMEDIA ECHRNG ECOMM ECONNABORTED ECONNREFUSED ECONNRESET ECRC ECWD ED EDCHAR EdDI EDEADLK EDEND EDESTADDRREQ EDINIT edit_close edit_create edit_cursor edit_delete edit_evnt edit_get_buf edit_get_colour edit_get_cursor edit_get_dirty edit_get_font edit_get_format edit_get_pos edit_get_scrollinfo edit_get_sel edit_open edit_resized edit_scroll edit_set_buf edit_set_colour edit_set_cursor edit_set_dirty edit_set_font edit_set_format edit_set_pos EDITABLE Editable fields in MagiC Editable object functions EDOM EDOTDOT EDQUOT EDRIVE EDRVNR EDSTART EDVNRSP EERROR EEXIST EFAULT EFBIG EFILNF EFTYPE EGENERIC EGENRL EgetPalette EgetShift EGSBF EHOSTDOWN EHOSTUNREACH EIDRM EIHNDL EILSEQ EIMBA EINPROGRESS EINSERT EINTERNAL EINTR EINTRN EINVAL EINVFN EIO EISCONN EISDIR EL2HLT EL2NSYNC EL3HLT EL3RST ELIBACC ELIBBAD ELIBEXEC ELIBMAX ELIBSCN ELNRNG ELOCKED ELOOP EMEDIA EMEDIUMTYPE EMFILE EMLINK EMOUNT emphasis EMSGSIZE Emulators EMULTIHOP EmuTOS, Detect ENAMETOOLONG ENAVAIL END_MCTRL end_os END_UPDATE ENEEDAUTH ENETDOWN ENETRESET ENETUNREACH ENFILE ENHNDL ENMFIL ENMFILES ENOANO ENOBUFS ENOCSI ENODATA ENODEV ENOENT ENOEXEC ENOLCK ENOLINK ENOMEDIUM ENOMEM ENOMSG ENONET ENOPKG ENOPROTOOPT ENOSPC ENOSR ENOSTR ENOSYS ENOTBLK ENOTCONN ENOTDIR ENOTEMPTY ENOTNAM ENOTSOCK ENOTTY ENSAME ENSLOCK ENSMEM ENUMMODE_CONT ENUMMODE_EXIT Environment-Strings, Zeiger auf Environmnetal variable OEPSERVER Environmnetal variable OLEMANAGER Environmnetal variable OLGAMANAGER ENXIO EOPNOTSUPP EOTHER EOVERFLOW EPAPER EPERM EPFNOSUPPORT EPIPE EPLFMT EPROCLIM EPROCUNAVAIL EPROGMISMATCH EPROGUNAVAIL EPROTO EPROTONOSUPPORT EPROTOTYPE EPTHNF EPTHOV ERANGE EREADF EREMOTE EREMOTEIO ERESTART EROFS ERPCMISMATCH ERRINFO ERROR errorcode ES_ACK ES_COMPILE ES_EXEC ES_INIT ES_LINK ES_MAKE ES_MAKEALL ES_MAKEEXEC ES_OK ES_PROJECT ES_QUIT ES_SHLCTRL ESBLOCK Escape functions Escape sequences ESCCANCEL ESECNF ESECTOR EsetBank EsetColor EsetGray EsetPalette EsetShift EsetSmear ESHUTDOWN ESNDLOCKED ESNDNOTLOCK ESOCKTNOSUPPORT ESPIPE ESRCH ESRMNT ESTALE ESTRPIPE ETIME ETIMEDOUT ETOOMANYREFS etv_critic etv_term etv_timer etv_xtra ETXTBSY EUCLEAN EUKCMD EUNATCH EUNCMD EUNDEV EUSERS EVENT Event CPX Event library EVNT evnt_button evnt_dclick evnt_dclicks evnt_keybd evnt_mesag evnt_mouse evnt_multi evnt_timer EWOULDBLOCK EWRITE EWRITF EWRPRO Example for HNDL_OBJ Example of a MAGX.INF file Example: Chatwin and STJ-Oberon-2 Example: no|Link's XAcc protocol Examples for vq_scrninfo Exception vector 36 Exceptions under MagiC Mac EXCPT EXDEV exec_os EXFULL EXIT Expand memory, internal ext Extended feature Extended file-selectors Extended GEM Extended graphics library Extended names Extended XAcc Extensions extMac Extract from MagiC's BIOS ExtRsConf F F_DUPFD F_GETFD F_GETFL F_GETLK F_SETFD F_SETFL F_SETLK F_SETLKW fading FALCON_BITS Fast-RAM buffer Fast-RAM, Ende des fast_read_config_byte fast_read_config_longword fast_read_config_word fastcut Fastload Fatal error in aes Fatal error in gemdos Fatal error while booting Fattrib Fax drivers Fchmod Fchown Fclose Fcntl Fcntl, CD-ROM commands for Fcntl, File commands for Fcntl, Process commands for Fcntl, SharedMem commands for Fcntl, Terminal commands for fcookie Fcreate fd_attr fd_children fd_date fd_ddev fd_dev fd_dirch fd_dirpos fd_dmd fd_fpos fd_len fd_mode fd_multi fd_multi1 fd_name fd_next fd_owner fd_parent fd_refcnt fd_stcl fd_time fd_unused fd_user1 fd_user2 Fdatime FDC, Vector for FDC, Write-density of the Fdelete Fdup Feed tray of the printer Feedback, acoustic Feedback, visual Fernsehnorm, NTSC- Fernsehnorm, PAL- FF_ALL FF_BITMAP FF_CFN FF_CHANGED FF_MONO FF_MONOSPACED FF_PFB FF_PROP FF_PROPORTIONAL FF_SPD FF_SYSTEM FF_TTF FF_VECTOR FF_VEKTOR Ffchmod Ffchown Fforce Fgetchar Fgetdta File attributes of TOS File descriptor File formats File functions File locking possible? File-selector as a dialog File-selector in a window File-selector library File-systems File-systems, alternative File-systems, Rule of thumb for Filename field FILEPTR FILESYS Filesystems under MagiC Mac Fill attributes Filled polygon Filled rectangle find_pci_classcode find_pci_device Finstat FIOEXECPT FIONREAD FIONWRITE fix31 FL3DACT FL3DBAK FL3DIND FLAG3D Flags for the behaviour of the list box Flags of a program FLAT_HAND FLG_16BIT FLG_32BIT FLG_8BIT FLG_ENDMASK Flink Floating Point Unit, Type of flock Flock flock, Fcntl Flopfmt Floppy disk controller Floppy parallel operation Floppy, Timeout of the Floprate Floprd Flopver Flopwr FLP_PAR FlpDrvInfo Flydials present? FMD_FINISH FMD_GROW FMD_SHRINK FMD_START Fmidipipe FNT_CHANGED FNT_DIALOG FNTS_3D fnts_add FNTS_BTMP fnts_close fnts_create fnts_delete fnts_do fnts_evnt fnts_get_info fnts_get_name fnts_get_no_styles fnts_get_style FNTS_ITEM FNTS_MONO fnts_open FNTS_OUTL FNTS_PROP fnts_remove fnts_update Font index and ID Font protocol Font selection Font selector in a modal dialog Font selector in a window Font, Font-ID of a Font, Index of a Font-selector overview Font-selectors FONT_ACK FONT_CHANGED FONT_HDR FONT_SELECT FontGDOS Fonts in dialogs FontSel Fonttyp Fopen Form CPX Form library form_alert form_button form_center form_dial form_do form_error form_error in N.AES form_keybd form_popup form_wbutton form_wkeybd form_xdial form_xdo form_xerr Format, Device-independent Format, Half Format, Landscape Format, Ledger Format, Legal Format, Letter Format, Portrait Format, Wide Formatieren im Hintergrund Formats, Page Formats, Paper Fortran77+ development systems Foutstat Fpipe FPU, Type of Fputchar Fread Freadlink Freezing on an application Frename fs_descr FS_INSTALL FS_MOUNT FS_UNINSTALL FS_UNMOUNT Fseek fsel_boxinput FSEL_CALLBACK fsel_exinput fsel_input Fselect Fsetdta Fsfirst fslx_close fslx_do fslx_evnt fslx_getnxtfile fslx_open fslx_set_flags FSM-GDOS Fsnext FSTAT Fsymlink FTRUNCATE FULLER Functional development systems Further communication FUTIME Fwrite Fxattr G G_BOX G_BOXCHAR G_BOXTEXT G_BUTTON G_CICON G_CLRICN G_DTMFDB G_EDIT G_EDIT objects, Using G_FBOXTEXT G_FTEXT G_IBOX G_ICON G_IMAGE G_POPUP G_PROGDEF G_SHORTCUT G_SLIST G_STRING G_SWBUTTON G_TEXT G_TITLE G_USERDEF G_WINTITLE GCBITMAP GDOS Driver, Bit-Image GDOS drivers GDOS drivers, Camera GDOS drivers, Fax GDOS drivers, Memory GDOS drivers, Metafile GDOS drivers, Plotter GDOS drivers, Printer GDOS drivers, Screen GDOS drivers, Tablet GDOS fonts in dialogs GDOS, AMC- GDOS, Family of GDOS, Font- GDOS, FSM- GDOS, Speedo- GDOS_AMC GDOS_AMCLIGHT GDOS_ATARI GDOS_FNT GDOS_FSM GDOS_NONE GDPS, virtual memory management GDPS: Gerti's Driver Piping System GEM GEM, Extended GEM-Version 1.4, Atari- GEM-Version 1.x GEM-Version 2.x GEM-Version 3.x, Atari- GEM-Version 3.x, PC- GEM-Version 4.x, Atari- GEM_ALIGN GEM_BEZ_QUAL GEM_COLOR GEM_END_BEZIER GEM_END_BGIF GEM_END_FILL GEM_END_GREY GEM_END_GROUP GEM_END_JOIN GEM_END_SHADOW GEM_GRID GEM_MUPB GEM_NO_LINE_STYLE GEM_START_BEZIER GEM_START_BGIF GEM_START_FILL GEM_START_GREY GEM_START_GROUP GEM_START_JOIN GEM_START_SHADOW GEM_WIND GEMDOS gemdos GEMDOS Dispatcher GEMDOS error-messages GEMDOS function list GEMDOS structures GEMDOS, Parameter passing in GEMDOS, Program format under GEMDOS, Versionsnummer GEMDOS-Pufferlisten gemdos-trap General description General remarks about MagiC Mac General remarks about MagiC's XFS-concept General remarks about shutdown General Rules Get pixel Get_blink Get_Buffer get_machine_id get_resource get_routing GetActiveFeatures GetActiveModeDesc getBaseMode Getbpb getcookie GetFeatures GetFirstRect GetHdv_inuse Getmpb GETMULTI GetNextRect GetNumberofPModes GetPageSize GetPMode GetRegisterbase Getrez GetScreenDescriptor Gettime GG Giaccess giveTimeToMac global Global field of the AES Glossary Goto_pos gpio GPU Done, Vector for graf_dragbox graf_growbox graf_handle graf_mbox graf_mbox/graf_movebox graf_mkstate graf_mouse graf_movebox graf_multirubber graf_rubberbox graf_rubberbox/graf_rubbox graf_rubbox graf_shrinkbox graf_slidebox graf_slidebox from Geneva graf_watchbox graf_wwatchbox graf_xhandle Graphical overview of fill-type and pattern index Graphics library Graphics tablet functions GRECT Guidelines for CPX modules Guidelines, Style H Half format HARD_CLUT HARDCOPY Hardcopy-Routine, Zeiger auf hardplay hardrec Hardware, non-ST-compatible Hardware, Type of HDFUNCS hdv_boot hdv_bpb hdv_init hdv_mediach hdv_rw Header of a program Header of a Resource file Height and width of vector fonts Help system, Requirements for Help systems Help systems, Encouragement for Help systems, Functioning of the Help, context-sensitive HIDDEN Hide mouse HIDETREE HIGHLIGHTED highsrate History History, SE protocol HNDL_CLSD HNDL_EDCH HNDL_EDDN HNDL_EDIT HNDL_INIT HNDL_MESG HNDL_MOVE HNDL_OBJ HNDL_OPEN HNDL_TOPW HNDL_UNTP hook_interrupt Hooking into the reset vector Horizontal line Horizontal offset table hot-spot HOTCLOSEBOX HOURGLASS How can I tell the viewer what is to be shown? How do I use a library? How do I write a library? How to implement an SPA How to implement an SRA hrecplay HSLIDE HuGo! I ICONBLK Iconification in MagiC Iconification, Algorithm during Iconification, Elements after Iconification, Shortcuts for Iconification, Size after ICONIFIER Icons present?, Colour ID4-Client ID4-Server Idle-test IKBD interrupts, Vector for Ikbdws Illegal Instruction Error vector Image format, Pixel-oriented Image format, Plane-oriented Implementing the View protocol INDBUTCOL INDIRECT INFO init_hplay init_hplaypeak init_hrec init_hrecpeak init_hrppeak init_ihplaymix init_imemplay init_imemrec init_implaymix init_mplaypeak init_mrecpeak init_mrppeak init_peak init_xmemplay init_xmemplay4 init_xmemrec init_xmemrec4 init_xmixplay Initialization Initmouse Ink InplaceDrawing for OLGA (ID-4) Input fields in MagiC Input fields in MagiC Input functions Inquiery protocol Inquire functions Ins_line Install Hardcopy routines Installation of a DFS Installation of an installed int_in int_out intact INTEL_BITS Interactive Service Interface programming INTERLEAVE_PLANES Interrupt functions Interrupt, BUSY Interrupt, CTS Interrupt, DCD Interrupt, IKBD Interrupt, MFP-TT Interrupt, MIDI Interrupt, SCC-TT intin intout intrLock Introduction Invisible Service Iorec IOREC IRS is_EdDI ITIMER_PROF ITIMER_REAL ITIMER_VIRTUAL J Janus Jdisint Jenabint K KAOS-TOS Kbdvbase KBDVBASE Kbrate Kbshift kcl_hook KER_DOSLIMITS KER_DRVSTAT KER_GETINFO KER_INSTXFS KER_INTGARBC KER_INTMAVAIL KER_SETWBACK KER_XFSNAME Kernel functions for an XFS Kerning Kerning parameter Kerning, Pair Kerning, Track Key assignments Keyboard codes for G_EDIT Keyboard functions Keyboard tables present? KEYTAB Keytbl L Landscape format Language of the operating system LASTOB Laufwerke des BIOS, angemeldete LBOX_2SLDRS lbox_ascroll_to LBOX_AUTO LBOX_AUTOSLCT lbox_bscroll_to lbox_cnt_items lbox_create lbox_delete lbox_do lbox_free_items lbox_free_list lbox_get_afirst lbox_get_avisb lbox_get_bentries lbox_get_bfirst lbox_get_bvis lbox_get_first lbox_get_idx lbox_get_item lbox_get_items lbox_get_slct_idx lbox_get_slct_item lbox_get_tree lbox_get_udata lbox_get_visible LBOX_ITEM LBOX_REAL lbox_scroll_to lbox_set_asldr lbox_set_bentries lbox_set_bsldr lbox_set_items lbox_set_slider LBOX_SHFT LBOX_SNGL LBOX_TOGGLE lbox_update LBOX_VERT LC_CLOSEWIN LC_OPENWIN LC_OUTBUF LC_WRCHAR LC_WRSTR Ledger format Legal format Letter format LFARROW LINE Line numbers Line-A Line-A, Vector for Line-F, Vector for Line_feed LINEA Lines attributes Linking, Object List boxes List of OLGA-aware applications List of prospective SSP-implementing software to date LIST_BOX Literature for the TOS operating system LK3DACT LK3DIND Load_pos locksnd Logbase LongWordFromLink LongWordToLink Lookup table ltchars LTL messages from the loader to the shell LTL messages from the shell to the loader LTL protocol M M_FORCE M_LAST M_OFF M_ON M_PREVIOUS M_RESTORE M_SAVE macAppSwitch Machine name Machine type MacVersion Maddalt MagiC MagiC Flydials present? MagiC keyboard tables present? MagiC Mac and Power-Macs MagiC Mac specifics MagiC Mac type conventions MagiC PC interface MagiC's DFS-concept MagiC's XFS-concept MagiC, Accessories in MagiC, Boot programs for MagiC, Cookie from MagiC, MagiC, ARGV procedure in MagiC, Make-up of a DFS in MagiC, Make-up of an XFS in MagiC, Memory management in MagiCMac, Cookie from MAGX.INF file of MagiC MAGX_COOKIE MAGX_COOKIE, status_bits MAGXBOOT MAGXCONF MailMerge protocol Major Device Number Make-up of the font-header Make-up of the MAGX.INF file Malloc Management of mouse form Manipulate AES environment Manipulate environment of the AES MAP_ASCII MAP_DIRECT Mapping MAPTAB Marker attributes Mathematical co-processor MC680x0 cache purging MCB MD MD-Struktur, Zeiger auf mec0 (MPS) interface mec1 interface Media-Change-Status bestimmen MEDIA_SIZE MEDIA_TYPE Mediach memcntrl Memory block destroyed by user program Memory Descriptor (MD) in TOS Memory drivers Memory management Memory management in MagiC Memory management in TOS Memory protection Memory protection, Global Memory protection, Modes for Memory protection, Private Memory protection, Read only Memory protection, Super Memory-Control-Block (MCB) in MagiC memplay memrec memval2 memval3 memvalid MENU Menu bar, Standard make-up of Menu functions, extended Menu library Menu titles, Demarcation of Menu, Advantage of a popup- menu_attach menu_bar menu_click MENU_HIDE menu_icheck menu_ienable MENU_INSTL menu_istart menu_popup menu_register menu_settings MENU_SHOW menu_text menu_tnormal menu_unregister MENUBAR Menus and menu bars Menus in windows Menus, Assigning keyboard shortcuts in Menus, context-sensitive Menus, Design of Menus, scrollable Menus, Sub-groups in Menus, Three dots in Message Message group 1 Message group 2 Message-list Messages Messages from the editor to the shell Messages from the shell to the editor META_DRVINFO META_HEADER META_INFO_1 META_INFO_2 Metaclose Metadiscinfo MetaDOS MetaDOS functions Metafile drivers Metafile format Metafile functions Metafile sub-opcodes Metafile version Metagettoc Metainit Metaioctl Metaopen Metaread Metasetsongtime Metastartaudio Metastatus Metastopaudio Metawrite MFDB MFORM MFP-TT-Interrupt-Vector Mfpint Mfree MFsave MGCOPY MGFORMAT MgMcCookie MGSEARCH MI_MAGIC MIDI interrupts, Vector for Midiws MinA Minimum range of functions for camera drivers Minimum range of functions for metafile drivers Minimum range of functions for plotter drivers Minimum range of functions for printer drivers Minimum range of functions for screen drivers Minor Device Number minStackSize MiNT-compatible functions MiNT-domain MINWINOBJ mix mmc_flg1_bit4 mmc_flg1_bit5 MN_SELECTED MN_SET MOD_DESC Modal dialog boxes mode24 modeAtari modeMac Modula development systems mon_type monitor Monitor Detect, Vector for Monospaced fonts MOUSE Mouse clicks and key-presses Mouse clicks and shapes Mouse form management, Type of Mouse-shape, Meaning of Mouse-shape, Rule of thumb for Mouse-shapes MOVER MPB mps_base.cpp mps_base.def mps_base.h mps_demo.cpp mps_demo.h MPS_magicinfo MRETS Mshrink mshrink MU MU_BUTTON MU_DYNAMIC_KEYBD MU_KEYBD MU_KEYBD4 MU_M1 MU_M2 MU_MESAG MU_MX MU_NORM_KEYBD MU_TIMER MU_WHEEL Much, Thomas MultiMon Multiple clicks Multitasking GEM versions Multitasking preemptive? Multitasking present? Multitasking, Timeslices for mutimbuf MV MX_DEV MX_DEV_INSTALL MX_DFS_GETINFO MX_DFS_INSTDFS MX_DOSLIMITS MX_ENABLE3D MX_KER_DOSLIMITS MX_KER_DRVSTAT MX_KER_GETINFO MX_KER_INSTXFS MX_KER_XFSNAME MX_KERNEL Mxalloc mxk__sprintf mxk_act_appl mxk_act_pd mxk_appl_begcritic mxk_appl_endcritic mxk_appl_IOcomplete mxk_appl_suspend mxk_appl_yield mxk_diskchange mxk_DMD_rdevinit mxk_evnt_IO mxk_evnt_mIO mxk_evnt_sem mxk_fast_clrmem mxk_int_malloc mxk_int_mfree mxk_int_msize mxk_keyb_app mxk_mfree mxk_mxalloc mxk_pe_slice mxk_pe_timer mxk_Pfree mxk_proc_info mxk_resv_intmem mxk_toupper mxk_version Mxmask mycopybit N N.AES N.AES N_AES.CNF N_AESINFO NAME Name of a process NDC coordinates netinfo Network extension present? Network functions NFOLLOWSLKS NKCC NM_INHIBIT_HIDE NO_CLUT Non-volatile memory, Assignment of the Nonmodal dialog boxes Normalized coordinates Normalized Key Code Converter Note for the use of the GEMDOS function Super Notes about MagiC's 3D-look Notes for authors of other font-selectors Notes on SE protocol Notification NSoundcmd NULL-cookie nvbls NVDI NVDI, Cookie from NVDIMac Nversion NVM, in Milan NVMaccess O Oberon development systems objc_add objc_change objc_delete objc_draw objc_edit objc_find objc_offset objc_order objc_sysvar objc_wchange objc_wdraw objc_wedit objc_xedit objc_xfind OBJECT Object colours of the AES Object flags of the AES Object library Object linking Object stati of the AES Object types of the AES OEP_SERV OEPSERVER, Environmnetal variable Off-screen bitmaps Offgibit OHEADER OL_CLIENT OL_IDLE OL_MANAGER OL_OEP OL_PEER OL_PIPES OL_SERVER OL_START OLE_EXIT OLE_INIT OLE_NEW OLEMANAGER, Environmnetal variable OLEMANGR OLGA history OLGA Info file format OLGA initialization OLGA protocol OLGA-Client OLGA-Server OLGA.H OLGA.INC OLGA.INF OLGA_ACK OLGA_ACTIVATE OLGA_BREAKLINK OLGA_BREAKLINK, Response to OLGA_CLIENTTERMINATED OLGA_CLOSEDOC OLGA_CLOSEDOC, Response to OLGA_EMBED OLGA_EMBEDDED OLGA_GETINFO OLGA_GETOBJECTS OLGA_GETSETTINGS OLGA_IDLE OLGA_INFO OLGA_INFO, Response to OLGA_INIT OLGA_INPLACEUPDATE OLGA_LINK OLGA_LINK, Response to OLGA_LINKBROKEN OLGA_LINKRENAMED OLGA_NOTIFIED OLGA_NOTIFY OLGA_OBJECTS OLGA_OPENDOC OLGA_RELEASENOTIFICATION OLGA_RENAME OLGA_RENAME, Response to OLGA_RENAMELINK OLGA_REQUESTNOTIFICATION OLGA_SERVERTERMINATED OLGA_SETTINGS OLGA_START OLGA_START, Response to OLGA_START, Response2 to OLGA_UNEMBED OLGA_UNLINK OLGA_UNLINK, Response to OLGA_UPDATE OLGA_UPDATE, Response to OLGA_UPDATED OLGABlockHeader OLGAInfHeader OLGAMANAGER, Environmnetal variable OLGAObjectInfo OLS_EXTENSION OLS_NAME OLS_TYPE Omega-Color-CAD Ongibit Operating system language Operation of file-selectors from MagiC 4 onwards Oscanis Oscanpatch Oscanphy Oscanscr Oscanswitch Oscantab Oscanvb OSHEADER Out of internal memory outDevID outHandle OUTLINED OUTLN_CROSS OUTPUT format Output functions outScreen OVERPATCH OverScan XBIOS extension OverScan, Cookie from Overview of the wind_get/set subfunctions P PaCifiST PACKEDPIX_PLANES Page formats Pair kerning palmode Paper Paper formats Paper tray of the printer Parallel launching of programs Parallel operation of floppy Parameter block of the VDI Parameter passing in GEMDOS Parameter passing in XBIOS Parameter-block of the AES Parameterübergabe im BIOS PARMBLK Partition type RAW Partition type, BGM Partition type, F32 Partition type, GEM Partition type, LNX Partition type, MAC Partition type, MIX Partition type, QWA Partition type, SWP Partition type, UNX Pascal development systems Patch, POOLFIX3 Patch, STEFIX Patch, VDIFIX pathset Pattern runs Pause PBASEADDR PBDEF PCI-BIOS PCI-BIOS Error codes PCI_BAD_HANDLE PCI_BAD_REGISTER_NUMBER PCI_BAD_VENDOR_ID PCI_BIOS_NOT_INSTALLED PCI_BIOS_WRONG_VERSION PCI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL PCI_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND PCI_FUNC_NOT_SUPPORTED PCI_GENERAL_ERROR PCI_RSC_DESC PCI_SET_FAILED PCI_SUCCESSFUL PCTXTSIZE PD PDLG_3D pdlg_add_printers pdlg_add_sub_dialogs PDLG_CANCEL pdlg_close pdlg_create pdlg_delete pdlg_dflt_settings pdlg_do pdlg_evnt pdlg_free_settings pdlg_get_setsize PDLG_HNDL PDLG_INIT pdlg_new_settings PDLG_OK pdlg_open pdlg_remove_printers pdlg_remove_sub_dialogs PDLG_RESET pdlg_save_default_settings PDLG_SUB pdlg_update pdlg_use_settings pdlg_validate_settings Pdomain PE peakshake peaksuch Pexec PFB_FONT PFONTINFO Pfork PFSTAT Pgetauid Pgetegid Pgeteuid PGETFLAGS Pgetgid Pgetgroups Pgetpgrp Pgetpid Pgetppid Pgetpriority Pgetuid PH Physbase phystop Pipes Pipes, Test for Pixel value and VDI colour index Pixel-oriented image format Pkill Plane-oriented image format playmode playstat PLOADINFO ploadinfo Plotter drivers pmem_size PMMUversion PMODE Pmsg Pnice POINT16 POINT32 POINT_HAND Pointer Polaroid functions POOLFIX3 patch POPINFO Popup Popup-menu, Advantage of a Portrait format Positioning of vector text Possible filetypes PPROCADDDR Preemptive multitasking? Prenice Print dialogs Print selection as a dialog Print selection in a window PrintDesc Printed page, Number of copies Printer drivers Printer drivers, Bitmap format Printer functions Printer, Paper tray of the PRIO_MAX PRIO_MIN PRIO_PGRP PRIO_PROCESS PRIO_USER Privilege Violation Exception vector PRN_CHANGED PRN_DIALOG PRN_ENTRY PRN_MODE PRN_SETTINGS PRN_SWITCH PRN_TRAY Problems with wind_calc in toolbar windows PROC_CREATE Process Descriptor (PD) resp. BASEPAGE Process functions Process, Freezing of a Process, Name of a Process, Switching to a Process, Thawing of a Processor type Program header Program launch and TPA Programme Programming guidelines Programs that support a font-selector Protection, Memory Protobt Protocol, AV Protocol, DHST Protocol, Document History Protocol, Drag&Drop Protocol, View Protocol, Virtual Screen Protocol, XSSI Protocols prt_cnt Prtblk Prusage prv_aux prv_auxo prv_lst prv_lsto Psemaphore Psetauid Psetegid Pseteuid PSETFLAGS Psetgid Psetgroups Psetlimit Psetpgrp Psetpriority Psetregid Psetreuid Psetuid Psigaction Psigblock Psigintr Psignal Psigpause Psigpending Psigreturn Psigsetmask PT_ATTACH PT_CONTINUE PT_DETACH PT_KILL PT_READ_D PT_READ_I PT_SYSCALL PT_TRACE_ME PT_WRITE_D PT_WRITE_I Pterm Pterm0 Ptermres Ptrace PTRACEGFLAGS PTRACESFLAGS ptsin ptsout Pufferlisten des GEMDOS Pumask PUN_INFO pun_ptr Puntaes Pure-C and 'cdecl' Purging of the CPU cache Purpose of XAcc Pusrval Put pixel Pvfork Pwait Pwait3 Pwaitpid pxyarray Q Quoting in AV protocol R R_BIPDATA R_BITBLK R_FRIMG R_FRSTR R_IBPDATA R_IBPMASK R_IBPTEXT R_ICONBLK R_IMAGEDATA R_OBJECT R_OBSPEC R_STRING R_TEDINFO R_TEPTEXT R_TEPTMPLT R_TEPVALID R_TREE ramtop ramvalid Random Raster coordinates Raster formats Raster functions RBUTTON RC coordinates RCS development systems read_config_byte read_config_longword read_config_word read_dclk read_dconv read_dpath1 read_dpath2 read_dpdat read_dport read_raes read_rdsp read_rhi read_rint read_rlow ReadMode readsmp Realtime selection recmode Recommended partition types recplay recstat RECT16 RECT32 recwait Redraw and updating of toolbars Relocation table Remote-Mailmerge protocol Replace mode REQUEST Request/Reply protocol RESCH_COMPLETED Reset: PC vector Reset: SSP vector ResetScreen Resolution change Resource files, size of Resource format, New Resource header Resource library Restrictions of MagiC Mac resvalid resvector Return Rev_off Rev_on Reverse transparent mode RG RGB_LIST Ring-Indicator, Vector Rotation RS-232 Receive Buffer Full interrupt RS-232 Receive Error vector RS-232 Transmit Buffer Error vector RS-232 Transmit Error vector RSC_IO RSC_LAST RSC_ROM Rsconf RSDAEMON_MSG rsh_fix rsh_obfix RSHDR rsrc_free rsrc_gaddr rsrc_load rsrc_obfix rsrc_rcfix rsrc_saddr RSXHDR RTARROW Rwabs S S_BLOCKCACHE S_CAD S_CDEFINES S_CLOCKMODE S_CNAME S_COPTIM S_CTRLCACHE S_CVERSION S_DEBUGDEV S_DEBUGLEVEL S_FLUSHCACHE S_FORCEFASTLOAD S_GETBVAL S_GETCOOKIE S_GETLVAL S_GETWVAL S_INITIALTPA S_INQUIRE S_KNAME S_OSBUILDDATE S_OSBUILDTIME S_OSCOMPILE S_OSFEATURES S_OSHEADER S_OSNAME S_OSVERSION S_OSXNAME S_RUNLEVEL S_SECLEVEL S_SETBVAL S_SETCOOKIE S_SETLVAL S_SETWVAL S_SYNCTIME S_TIOCMGET S_TSLICE Salert SAMPLE Sample analysis of a metafile Sample binding for AES functions Sample code Sample code for signals sav_context sav_row Save_pos savptr SC_CHANGED Scanner driver group SCANX SCC-TT-Interrupt-Vector sclock scmsmode Sconfig scr_dump Scrap library SCRAP_CSV SCRAP_DCA SCRAP_GEM SCRAP_IMG SCRAP_TXT SCRAP_USR Scrdmp SCREEN Screen drivers Screen functions SCREEN, OverScan Screen-manager, ID of the Screen-manager, Name of the SCREENINFO screenpt SCRINFO_OK SCRMEMBLK Scroll_up Scrollable input fields SCROLLER scrp_clear scrp_read scrp_write SE protocol SE_ACK SE_CLOSE SE_ERRFILE SE_ERROR SE_INIT SE_MENU SE_OK SE_OPEN SE_PROJECT SE_QUIT SE_TERMINATE Seedfill seekrate SELECTABLE SELECTED Selection by [Shift]-mouse Selection by mouse Selection by rubber band Selection, Realtime Selections Self-modifying code SEM_CREATE SEM_CSET SEM_DEL SEM_FREE SEM_GET SEM_SET SEM_TEST Semaphore, _DMA Semaphore, _NCR Semaphore, _SCR Semaphores in MagiC SEMENUINFO Server debug mode Server minimum requirement Server registration ServerData Service Services Set ouput format, VDI Set VDI output format Set_blink Set_Evnt_Mask set_interrupt SET_ITEM SetAnalyse setbuffer Setcolor Setexc setinterrupt SetLinkAdr setmode SetMon setmontracks SetPageMode Setpalette Setprt SetReset Setscreen Setscreen, ct60 Setscreen, Milan Settime settracks sgttyb SH_WDRAW SHADOWED Shared libraries Shared memory Shared text shel_envrn shel_find shel_get shel_help shel_put shel_rdef shel_read shel_wdef shel_write shel_write and Single-TOS Shell library SHELTAIL SHMGETBLK SHMSETBLK Short-term memory, Capacity of the Shortcuts, List of Shortcuts, Non-standardized Shortcuts, Reserved Shortcuts, Standardized Show mouse SHOW8P3 SHP_HELP SHUT_BOOT SHUT_COLD SHUT_COMPLETED SHUT_HALT SHUT_POWER Shutdown SHUTDOWN Shutdown as seen by the application Shutdown as seen by the initiator Shutdown in MagiC Shutdown in MagiC Mac Shutdown in MultiTOS Shutdown mode Shutdown, Complete Shutdown, Partial Shutdown, Terminate SHUTDOWN.INF SIGABRT sigaction SIGALRM SIGBUS SIGCHLD SIGCONT SIGFPE SIGHUP SIGILL SIGINT SIGIO SIGKILL Signal-handler in MagiC Signals Signals, List of SIGNULL SIGPIPE SIGPRIV SIGPROF SIGQUIT SIGSEGV SIGSTOP SIGSYS SIGTERM SIGTRAP SIGTSTP SIGTTIN SIGTTOU SIGURG SIGUSR1 SIGUSR2 SIGVTALRM SIGWINCH SIGXCPU SIGXFSZ Single-click Single-mode Single-tasking GEM versions Size Size field of the TPA Size of vector fonts SizeComp SIZER Sl_arrow Sl_dragx Sl_dragy Sl_size Sl_x Sl_y SLB.H SLB_BIND Slbclose Slbopen SLCT_ITEM SliceFromLink SliceToLink SM_M_SPECIAL Smart redraw Smart redraw in MagiC SNDLOCKED SNDNOTLOCK sndstatus SOFT_CLUT Solid runs SORTBYDATE SORTBYNAME SORTBYNONE SORTBYSIZE SORTBYTYPE SORTDEFAULT Sound hardware Sound options Sound routines soundcmd Source text, AES in SPA Special commands Special effects Special error-messages in MagiC Special functions Special graphic functions special_cycle SPEEDO_FONT SpeedoGDOS Spurious Interrupt, Vector for SRA Srealloc SS Ssbrk sshiftmd SSP changes SSP message pipeline SSP messages SSP Server registration SSP-Server SSP_COMPRESSFILE SSP_CONTEXT SSP_DISPLAYINFO SSP_DISPLAYMESSAGE SSP_SENDFILE SSP_SENDMESSAGE SSP_SPASA SSP_SPASI SSP_SRASR SSP_SSA SSP_SSIR SSP_SSUR SSP_STATUSDISPLAY SSP_UPLOADFILE Ssync Ssystem Stackframes der CPU stackLoad stackUnload Standard format of the VDI STANDARD_BITS STANDARD_PLANES StarTrack Startup-code for accessories Steem STEFcntrl STEFIX patch STEmulator Sticky-bit struct sigaction struct tty Style guidelines SUBMENU Super SuperCharger Superior attributes Supexec Support for alternative file-systems Suptime Sversion SWINFO Switch background DMA on/off Switch grow-boxes on/off Switch off Dropdown menus Switch on Pulldown menus Switch shrink-boxes on/off Switch Smart redraw on/off Switching to an application swv_vec Syield Symbol table Symbolic links and the XFS-concept Sync sys_recalc_cicon_colours Sysconf SYSHDR sysreset System functions System Services Protocol (SSP) System stack overflow System variables, sorted numerically Systemvariable, _autopath Systemvariable, _bootdev Systemvariable, _bufl Systemvariable, _cmdload Systemvariable, _drvbits Systemvariable, _dskbufp Systemvariable, _frclock Systemvariable, _fverify Systemvariable, _hz_200 Systemvariable, _longframe Systemvariable, _md Systemvariable, _membot Systemvariable, _memtop Systemvariable, _nflops Systemvariable, _p_cookies Systemvariable, _prtabt Systemvariable, _shell_p Systemvariable, _sysbase Systemvariable, _timr_ms Systemvariable, _v_bas_ad Systemvariable, _vbclock Systemvariable, _vbl_list Systemvariable, _vqlqueue Systemvariable, bell_hook Systemvariable, colorptr Systemvariable, con_state Systemvariable, conterm Systemvariable, criticret Systemvariable, defshiftmd Systemvariable, end_os Systemvariable, etv_critic Systemvariable, etv_term Systemvariable, etv_timer Systemvariable, etv_xtra Systemvariable, exec_os Systemvariable, flock Systemvariable, hdv_boot Systemvariable, hdv_bpb Systemvariable, hdv_init Systemvariable, hdv_mediach Systemvariable, hdv_rw Systemvariable, kcl_hook Systemvariable, memcntrl Systemvariable, memval2 Systemvariable, memval3 Systemvariable, memvalid Systemvariable, nvbls Systemvariable, palmode Systemvariable, phystop Systemvariable, prt_cnt Systemvariable, prv_aux Systemvariable, prv_auxo Systemvariable, prv_lst Systemvariable, prv_lsto Systemvariable, pun_ptr Systemvariable, ramtop Systemvariable, ramvalid Systemvariable, resvalid Systemvariable, resvector Systemvariable, sav_context Systemvariable, sav_ptr Systemvariable, sav_row Systemvariable, scr_dump Systemvariable, screenpt Systemvariable, seekrate Systemvariable, sshiftmd Systemvariable, swv_vec Systemvariable, the_env Systemvariable, themd Systemvariable, trp14ret Systemvariable, vblsem Systemvariable, xconin Systemvariable, xconout Systemvariable, xconstat Systemvariable, xcostat T Tab Tablet drivers Talarm TapeBIOS Tastaturklicks, Geräusch bei tchars TCURSBLINK TCURSGRATE TCURSOFF TCURSON TCURSSRATE TCURSSTEADY TEDINFO TekBios Terminate and Stay Resident Test for MagiC TestError Testing, User- testmps.s Text alignment Text attributes Text attributes, Use of Text block transfer Text effects Text functions Text rotation TEXT_CRSR Tgetdate Tgettime Tgettimeofday THA_CENTER THA_LEFT THA_RIGHT Thanks Thawing on an application The AUTOEXEC.BAT file in MagiC The background-DMA of MagiC The bit-block structure The CAB protocol The components of a window The control-flags The desktop window The device driver (MX_DDEV) The device driver (MX_DEV) The directory descriptor (DD) The directory entry (DIR) The directory handle descriptor (DHD) The directory U:DEV The directory U:PIPE The directory U:PROC The directory U:SHM The Disk Transfer Area (DTA) for DFSs The Disk Transfer Area (DTA) for XFSs The Drive Medium Descriptor (DMD) The drive U: in MagiC The extended xFSL call The File Descriptor (FD) The font-flags The GNU General Public Licence The info call (xfsl_info) The input/output channels of the BIOS The Line-A emulator The MagiC Mac cookie The make-up of a DFS The make-up of an XFS The make-up of the ASSIGN.SYS file The N.AES configuration file The N.AES cookie The negative Line-A variables The object structure The OBNCOMM structure The OBNL cookie The Operating System TOS The OUT file format The PFONTINFO structure The PMMU functions-handler The program flags The program format The Pure-C event structure The purpose(s) of the View protocol The quarter-screen buffer The rectangle-list of a window The scancode The screen-manager The shutdown process in MagiC Mac The simplified call (xfsl_input) The system variables The System Vectors The task-manager of MagiC The UFSL interface The user-popup The various GEM versions The VDI workstation in the xFSL interface The View protocol messages The VIEW_XXX messages The xFSL cookie The xFSL_PAR structure The XIMG format for pixel images the_env themd THICK_CROSS THIN_CROSS THR_EXIT THREADINFO Threads and AES calls Threads and signals Threads and VDI calls Threads in MagiC Threads, Creation of Threads, Ending of Threads, Example for Three important programming rules Tickcal Timeout of the floppy Timeouts and error handling Timeslices for Multitasking timeval timezone TIOCCBRK TIOCFLUSH TIOCGETC TIOCGETP TIOCGFLAGS TIOCGLTC TIOCGPGRP TIOCGWINSZ TIOCGXKEY TIOCIBAUD TIOCOBAUD TIOCOUTQ TIOCSBRK TIOCSETC TIOCSETN TIOCSETP TIOCSFLAGS TIOCSLTC TIOCSPGRP TIOCSTART TIOCSTOP TIOCSWINSZ TIOCSXKEY Title Tmalarm Toolbar support Toolbar support under XaAES Toolbar, Exchange of a Toolbar, Removal of a Toolbar, Tacking on a Toolbars and the window-manager Toolbars, Redraw and update of Toolboxes TOS TOS list TOS, Memory management in TOS, Version number of TOS-compatibility TOS-domain TOS2WIN Tosbox TOUCHEXIT TPA and Program launch TPA size field Trace, Vector for Track kerning Transform mouse Transient Program Area Transparent mode TRAP#0, Vector for TRAP#1, Vector for TRAP#10, Vector for TRAP#13, Vector for TRAP#14, Vector for TRAP#15, Vector for TRAP#2, Vector for TRAP#3, Vector for TRAP#5, Vector for TRAP#8, Vector for Trapper TRAPV Instruction Exception vector trp14ret Tsetdate Tsetitimer Tsettime Tsettimeofday TSLICE TSR programs TT_FONT TVA_BOTTOM TVA_CENTER TVA_TOP Type definitions U UFSL UFSL/xFSL program overview UNDERLINE Undraw sprite UNHIGHLIGHTED unhook_interrupt union unlocksnd UPARROW USECOLOURCAT User selection User-testing USER_DEF USERBLK USERDEF Using G_EDIT objects Using the View protocol uto-Vector interrupt, Level 6 UTXT_FN V v_alpha_text v_arc v_bar v_bez v_bez_fill v_bez_off v_bez_on v_bez_qual v_bit_image v_cellarray V_CHAR_ALL V_CHAR_ASC V_CHAR_IND V_CHAR_PRT v_circle v_clear_disp_list v_clrwk v_clsbm v_clsvwk v_clswk v_color2nearest v_color2value v_contourfill v_copies v_create_ctab v_create_driver_info v_create_itab v_ctab_idx2value v_ctab_idx2vdi v_ctab_vdi2idx v_curaddress v_curdown v_curhome v_curleft v_curright v_curtext v_curup v_delete_ctab v_delete_driver_info v_delete_itab v_dspcur v_eeol v_eeos v_ellarc v_ellipse v_ellpie v_enter_cur v_escape2000 v_etext v_exit_cur v_fillarea v_flushcache v_fontinit v_form_adv v_ftext v_ftext_offset v_get_ctab_id v_get_driver_info v_get_outline v_get_pixel v_getbitmap_info v_getoutline v_gtext v_hardcopy v_hide_c v_justified v_killoutline v_loadcache v_meta_extents v_offset v_open_bm v_opnbm v_opnprn v_opnvwk v_opnwk v_opnwk, Special features v_orient v_output_window v_page_size v_pat_rotate v_pieslice v_pline v_pmarker v_ps_halftone v_rbox v_read_default_settings v_resize_bm v_rfbox v_rmcur v_rvoff v_rvon v_savecache v_set_app_buff v_setrgb v_setrgbi v_show_c v_sound v_topbot v_tray v_trays v_updwk v_updwk, Special features v_value2color v_write_default_settings v_write_meta v_xbit_image VA functions VA protocol VA_ACC_QUOTING(a) VA_CONFONT VA_CONSOLEOPEN VA_COPY_COMPLETE VA_DRAG_COMPLETE VA_DRAGACCWIND VA_FILECHANGED VA_FILECOPIED VA_FILEDELETED VA_FILEFONT VA_FONTCHANGED VA_OB_CLIPBOARD VA_OB_DRIVE VA_OB_FILE VA_OB_FOLDER VA_OB_SHREDDER VA_OB_TRASHCAN VA_OB_UNKNOWN VA_OB_WINDOW VA_OBJECT VA_PATH_UPDATE VA_PROGSTART VA_PROTOSTATUS VA_SERVER_QUOTING(a) VA_SETSTATUS VA_START VA_THAT_IZIT VA_VIEWED VA_WINDOPEN VA_XOPEN Vattrib vblsem Vclose Vcreate Vdelete VDI vdi VDI bindings VDI colour index and pixel value VDI coordinate systems VDI device number VDI drivers VDI functions list VDI fundamentals VDI parameter block VDI structures VDI workstations VDI, Fundamentals of the VDI, Origin of the VDI, Standard format of the VDI-string to C-string VDI-TRAP VDIFIX, Patch-program VDO_MODE VDO_PARAM Vector or bitmap font? Vector, 200Hz clock Vector, ACSI Vector, Address error Vector, Auto (Level-1) Vector, Auto (Level-2) Vector, Auto (Level-3) Vector, Auto (Level-4) Vector, Auto (Level-5) Vector, Auto (Level-6) Vector, Auto (Level-7) Vector, Baud-rate generator Vector, Bus error Vector, BUSY interrupt Vector, CHK instruction Vector, CTS interrupt Vector, DCD interrupt Vector, Display Enable Signal Vector, Division by zero Vector, FDC Vector, GPU-Done Vector, IKBD Vector, Illegal instruction Vector, Line-A Vector, Line-F Vector, MIDI Vector, Monochrom Monitor Detect Vector, PC Vector, Privilege violation Vector, Ring Indicator Vector, RS-232 Receive Buffer Full Vector, RS-232 Receive Error Vector, RS-232 Transmit Buffer Error Vector, RS-232 Transmit Error Vector, Spurious interrupt Vector, SSP- Vector, Trace Vector, TRAP#0 Vector, TRAP#1 Vector, TRAP#10 Vector, TRAP#13 Vector, TRAP#14 Vector, TRAP#15 Vector, TRAP#2 Vector, TRAP#3 Vector, TRAP#4 Vector, TRAP#5 Vector, TRAP#8 Vector, TRAPV- Vectoren, TT-MFP-Interrupt Vectoren, TT-SCC-Interrupt Verify ausführen ? Verify ausschalten Verify einschalten Version 4.80 - 0.40 Version 4.90 Version 4.91 Version 4.92 Version 4.93 Version 4.94 Version 4.95 Version 4.96 Version 4.97 Version 4.98 Version number of the AES versionOfMacAppl Versionsnummer des GEMDOS Vertical Blanks, Anzahl der Vertical-Blank-Routinen vex_butv vex_curv vex_motv vex_timv vex_wheelv VFAT, Configuration for VFAT-XFS in MagiC VFAT_CNFDFLN VFAT_CNFLN VFATCONF Vfirst VG VgetRGB VgetSize Video hardware Video hardware, non-compatible View a file View data from memory View protocol View protocol, The messages VIEW_CLOSED VIEW_DATA VIEW_FAILED VIEW_FILE VIEW_GETMFDB VIEW_MFDB VIEW_OPEN VIEW_SETMFDB VIEWERR_COLOR VIEWERR_ERROR VIEWERR_MEM VIEWERR_SIZE VIEWERR_WID ViewMax Virtual Screen protocol Virtual workstations Visual and acoustic feedback Visual feedback Vload Vlock vm_align vm_color vm_coords vm_end_bezier vm_end_bgif vm_end_fill vm_end_grey vm_end_group vm_end_join vm_end_shadow vm_filename vm_grid VM_INQUIRE vm_no_outline vm_pagesize vm_start_bezier vm_start_bgif vm_start_fill vm_start_grey vm_start_group vm_start_join vm_start_shadow VM_VER_APP vm_ver_app vm_wind vmem_size Vnext Voffset volad volda Vopen VPOS vq_calibrate vq_cellarray vq_chcells vq_color vq_ctab vq_ctab_entry vq_ctab_id vq_curaddress vq_devinfo vq_dflt_ctab vq_ext_devinfo vq_extnd vq_gdos vq_hilite_color vq_key_s vq_margins vq_max_color vq_min_color vq_mouse vq_page_name vq_prn_scaling vq_px_format vq_scan vq_scrninfo vq_tabstatus vq_tdimensions vq_tray_names vq_vgdos vq_weight_color vqf_attributes vqf_bg_color vqf_fg_color vqin_mode vql_attributes vql_bg_color vql_fg_color vqm_attributes vqm_bg_color vqm_fg_color vqp_error vqp_filmname vqp_films vqp_state vqr_bg_color vqr_fg_color vqt_advance vqt_advance32 vqt_attributes vqt_bg_color vqt_cachesize vqt_char_index vqt_ext_name vqt_extent vqt_f_extent vqt_fg_color vqt_fontheader vqt_fontinfo vqt_get_table vqt_justified vqt_name vqt_name_and_id vqt_pairkern vqt_real_extent vqt_trackkern vqt_width vqt_xfntinfo vr_clip_rects32_by_dst vr_clip_rects32_by_src vr_clip_rects_by_dst vr_clip_rects_by_src vr_recfl vr_transfer_bits vr_trnfm Vread vro_cpyfm vrq_choice vrq_locator vrq_string vrq_valuator vrt_cpyfm vs_bkcolor vs_calibrate vs_clip vs_color vs_color2 vs_ctab vs_ctab_entry vs_curaddress vs_dflt_ctab vs_document_info vs_grayoverride vs_hilite_color vs_max_color vs_min_color vs_mute vs_palette vs_weight_color Vsave vsc_expose vsc_form VSCR Vscroll Vseek VsetMask Vsetmode VsetRGB VSetscreen VsetSync vsf_bg_color vsf_color vsf_fg_color vsf_interior vsf_perimeter vsf_style vsf_udpat vsf_xperimeter vsin_mode Vsize vsl_bg_color vsl_color vsl_ends vsl_fg_color vsl_type vsl_udsty vsl_width VSLIDE vsm_bg_color vsm_choice vsm_color vsm_fg_color vsm_height vsm_locator vsm_string vsm_type vsm_valuator vsp_film vsp_message vsp_save vsp_state vsr_bg_color vsr_fg_color vst_alignment vst_arbpt vst_arbpt32 vst_bg_color vst_charmap vst_color vst_effects vst_error vst_ex_load_fonts vst_fg_color vst_font vst_height vst_kern vst_load_fonts vst_map_mode vst_name vst_point vst_rotation vst_scratch vst_setsize vst_setsize32 vst_skew vst_track_offset vst_unload_fonts vst_width vswr_mode Vsync VT-52 terminal vt_alignment vt_axis vt_origin vt_resolution Vvalid Vwrite W W_BOTTOMER W_BOX W_CLOSER W_DATA W_DNARROW W_FULLER W_HBAR W_HELEV W_HSLIDE W_INFO W_LFARROW W_NAME W_RTARROW W_SIZER W_SMALLER W_TITLE W_UPARROW W_VBAR W_VELEV W_VSLIDE W_WORK WA_DNLINE WA_DNPAGE WA_LFLINE WA_LFPAGE WA_RTLINE WA_RTPAGE WA_UPLINE WA_UPPAGE WA_WHEEL WavePlay WBDAEMON WC_BORDER WC_WIN WC_WORK WdgCtrl WDIALOG wdlg_close wdlg_create wdlg_delete wdlg_evnt wdlg_get_edit wdlg_get_handle wdlg_get_tree wdlg_get_udata wdlg_open wdlg_redraw wdlg_set_edit wdlg_set_iconify wdlg_set_size wdlg_set_tree wdlg_set_uniconify WF_ATTRB WF_ATTRB, wind_set WF_BACKDROP, wind_set WF_BEVENT WF_BEVENT, wind_get WF_BEVENT, wind_set WF_BOTTOM WF_BOTTOM, wind_get WF_BOTTOM, wind_set WF_BOTTOMALL WF_BOTTOMALL, wind_set WF_CALCF2U WF_CALCF2W WF_CALCF2W, wind_xget WF_CALCU2F WF_CALCW2F WF_CALCW2F, wind_xget WF_COLOR WF_COLOR, wind_set WF_CURRXYWH WF_CURRXYWH, wind_get WF_CURRXYWH, wind_set WF_CURRXYWH, wind_xset WF_DCOLOR WF_DCOLOR, wind_get WF_DCOLOR, wind_set WF_DDELAY WF_DDELAY, wind_get WF_DDELAY, wind_set WF_FIRSTAREAXYWH WF_FIRSTAREAXYWH, wind_xget WF_FIRSTXYWH, wind_get WF_FTOOLBAR WF_FTOOLBAR, wind_get WF_FULLXYWH WF_FULLXYWH, wind_get WF_FULLXYWH, wind_set WF_FULLXYWH, wind_xset WF_HSLIDE WF_HSLIDE, wind_get WF_HSLIDE, wind_set WF_HSLSIZE WF_HSLSIZE, wind_get WF_HSLSIZE, wind_set WF_ICONIFY WF_ICONIFY, wind_get WF_ICONIFY, wind_set WF_IGNORE, wind_set WF_INFO WF_INFO, wind_get WF_INFO, wind_set WF_INFOXYWH WF_INFOXYWH, wind_get WF_KIND WF_KIND, wind_get WF_KIND, wind_set WF_M_BACKDROP WF_M_BACKDROP, wind_set WF_M_OWNER WF_M_OWNER, wind_get WF_M_WINDLIST WF_M_WINDLIST, wind_get WF_MAXWORKXYWH WF_MENU WF_MENU, wind_get WF_MENU, wind_set WF_MINXYWH WF_MINXYWH, wind_get WF_NAME WF_NAME, wind_get WF_NAME, wind_set WF_NEWDESK WF_NEWDESK, wind_get WF_NEWDESK, wind_set WF_NEXTXYWH, wind_get WF_NTOOLBAR WF_NTOOLBAR, wind_get WF_OBFLAG WF_OBSPEC WF_OBTYPE WF_OPTS WF_OPTS, wind_get WF_OPTS, wind_set WF_OWNER WF_OWNER, wind_get WF_PREVXYWH WF_PREVXYWH, wind_get WF_PREVXYWH, wind_set WF_PREVXYWH, wind_xset WF_RESVD, wind_set WF_SCREEN WF_SCREEN, wind_get WF_SHADE WF_SHADE, wind_get WF_SHADE, wind_set WF_SIZETOP WF_SIZETOP, wind_set WF_STACK WF_STACK, wind_set WF_TOOLBAR WF_TOOLBAR, wind_get WF_TOOLBAR, wind_set WF_TOP WF_TOP, wind_get WF_TOP, wind_set WF_TOPALL WF_TOPALL, wind_set WF_TOPAP WF_TOPMOST WF_UNICONIFY WF_UNICONIFY, wind_get WF_UNICONIFY, wind_set WF_UNICONIFYXYWH WF_UNICONIFYXYWH, wind_set WF_USER_POINTER WF_VSLIDE WF_VSLIDE, wind_get WF_VSLIDE, wind_set WF_VSLSIZE WF_VSLSIZE, wind_get WF_VSLSIZE, wind_set WF_WCOLOR WF_WHEEL WF_WHEEL, wind_set WF_WIDGETS WF_WIDGETS, wind_get WF_WIDGETS, wind_set WF_WIND_ATTACH WF_WINDLIST, wind_get WF_WINX WF_WINX, wind_get WF_WINXCFG WF_WINXCFG, wind_get WF_WINXCFG, wind_set WF_WORKXYWH WF_WORKXYWH, wind_get What are shared libraries? What does the viewer do? What is SSP? What is the SSP-Server? What kinds of files can be displayed? What's mapping? WHITEBAK Who is the viewer? Why shared libraries? Wide format Wind-XES wind_calc wind_calc, Problems with wind_close wind_create wind_delete wind_draw wind_find wind_get wind_get and wind_set mode in Geneva wind_new wind_open wind_set wind_set and PC-GEM wind_update wind_xget wind_xset Window library Window, Desktop Window, rectangle-list of a Window-dialogs winsize WM_ALLICONIFY WM_ARROWED WM_BACKDROPPED WM_BOTTOMED WM_CLOSED WM_FULLED WM_HSLID WM_ICONIFY WM_M_BDROPPED WM_MOVED WM_NEWTOP WM_ONTOP WM_REDRAW WM_SHADED WM_SIZED WM_TOOLBAR WM_TOPPED WM_UNICONIFY WM_UNSHADED WM_UNTOPPED WM_VSLID WO0_FULLREDRAW WO0_NOBLITH WO0_NOBLITW WO0_SENDREPOS WO0_WCOWORK WO0_WHEEL Workstation driver, MX_DDEV Workstations, Virtual WP wr_dclk wr_dconv wr_dpath1 wr_dpath2 wr_dpdat wr_dport wr_raes wr_rdsp wr_rhi wr_rint wr_rlow Wrap_off Wrap_on Write mode Write-density of the FDC write_config_byte write_config_longword write_config_word Writeback-demon writesmp X X/GEM X_APF_SEARCH x_appl_flags x_appl_font x_appl_sleep x_appl_term X_APS_CHEXIT X_APS_CHILD X_APS_CHILD0 X_BUF_V2 X_FMD_FINISH X_FMD_START x_form_center x_form_error X_GET_HELP X_LFTRT X_MGET X_MN_SELECTED X_MRESET X_MU_DIALOG X_SET_SHAPE X_UPDOWN X_WD_ACTIVE X_WD_BLITSCRL X_WD_KEYS X_WF_DCOLSTAT X_WF_DCOLSTAT, wind_get X_WF_DCOLSTAT, wind_set X_WF_DFLTDESK X_WF_DFLTDESK, wind_get X_WF_DFLTDESK, wind_set X_WF_DIALEDIT X_WF_DIALEDIT, wind_get X_WF_DIALEDIT, wind_set X_WF_DIALFLGS X_WF_DIALFLGS, wind_get X_WF_DIALFLGS, wind_set X_WF_DIALHT X_WF_DIALHT, wind_get X_WF_DIALHT, wind_set X_WF_DIALOG X_WF_DIALOG, wind_get X_WF_DIALOG, wind_set X_WF_DIALWID X_WF_DIALWID, wind_get X_WF_DIALWID, wind_set X_WF_HSLIDE2 X_WF_HSLIDE2, wind_get X_WF_HSLIDE2, wind_set X_WF_HSLSIZE2 X_WF_HSLSIZE2, wind_get X_WF_HSLSIZE2, wind_set X_WF_HSPLIT X_WF_HSPLIT, wind_get X_WF_HSPLIT, wind_set X_WF_MENU X_WF_MENU, wind_get X_WF_MENU, wind_set X_WF_MINMAX X_WF_MINMAX, wind_get X_WF_MINMAX, wind_set X_WF_OBJHAND X_WF_OBJHAND, wind_get X_WF_OBJHAND, wind_set X_WF_SPLMIN X_WF_SPLMIN, wind_get X_WF_SPLMIN, wind_set X_WF_VSLIDE2 X_WF_VSLIDE2, wind_get X_WF_VSLIDE2, wind_set X_WF_VSLSIZE2 X_WF_VSLSIZE2, wind_get X_WF_VSLSIZE2, wind_set X_WF_VSPLIT X_WF_VSPLIT, wind_get X_WF_VSPLIT, wind_set X_WM_ARROWED2 X_WM_HSLID2 X_WM_HSPLIT X_WM_OBJECT X_WM_SELECTED X_WM_VSLID2 XA XA, wind_get XaAES XAcc XAcc message groups XAcc messages XAcc protocol XAcc-Programmtypen XACC.H Xacc_Dsi_Request Xacc_Dsinfo Xacc_Field_Info Xacc_File_Info XACRS_BUBBLE_DISC XACRS_HORSIZER XACRS_MOVER XACRS_NE_SIZER XACRS_POINTSLIDE XACRS_RESIZER XACRS_VERTSIZER XAESMSG XATTR XATTR, access rights XATTR, dev-components XATTR, possible filetypes XATTR, size-components XATTR, special bits XBIOS xbios XBIOS Dispatcher XBIOS error-messages XBIOS error-messages XBIOS function list XBIOS Structures XBIOS, Parameter passing in xbios-trap XBRA procedure XBRA-Struktur Xbtimer XCMDs under MagiC Mac xconin xconout xconstat XCONTROL XCONTROL functions XControl, Start of xcostat XCPB XDO_INF XF_ALIGN XF_ATTR XF_COLOR XF_DRAGDROP XF_FIX31 XF_KERN XF_MAPPING XF_POPUP XF_ROTATION XF_SIZE XF_SKEW XF_WIDTH XFNT_INFO XFONT_CHANGED XFONTINFO Xform_do xfrm_popup XFS structures XFS, Data structures for an XFS, Kernel functions for a XFS-concept in MagiC XFS-concept, General remarks xFS_ACTIVE xfs_attrib xfs_chmod xfs_chown xfs_dclosedir xfs_dcntl xfs_dcreate xfs_DD2name xfs_ddelete xfs_dfree xfs_dopendir xfs_dpathconf xfs_dreaddir xfs_drewinddir xfs_drv_close xfs_drv_open xfs_dta_drive xfs_dta_res1 xFS_ERROR xFS_EVENT xfs_fdelete xfs_flags xfs_fopen xfs_freeDD xfs_garbcoll xFS_HELP xfs_init xfs_link xFS_LOADERROR xfs_name xfs_next xFS_NO_FONTS xFS_NO_FONTSIZE xFS_NO_HANDLE xFS_NO_WINDOW xFS_OK xfs_path2DD xFS_POPUP xfs_pterm xfs_readlink xFS_RES_ERROR xfs_rlabel xfs_sfirst xfs_snext xFS_STOP xfs_symlink xfs_sync xfs_wlabel xfs_xattr xFSL cookie xFSL interface xFSL parameter passing xFSL Questions and Answers xFSL return codes xFSL revisions history xFSL technical programming notes xFSL tips and notes xfsl_event xfsl_exit XFSL_FILTER xfsl_info xfsl_init xfsl_input xFSL_PAR xFSL_PENTRY XGen_Alert xgrf_2box xgrf_stepcalc XH_DL_BFLAGS XH_DL_CLSIZB XH_DL_CLUSTS XH_DL_CLUSTS12 XH_DL_CLUSTS32 XH_DL_DRIVES XH_DL_MAXFAT XH_DL_MAXSEC XH_DL_MAXSPC XH_DL_MINFAT XH_DL_MINSPC XH_DL_RDLEN XH_DL_SECSIZ XH_MI_GETKERINFO XH_MI_SETKERINFO XH_TARGET_EJECTABLE XH_TARGET_LOCKABLE XH_TARGET_LOCKED XH_TARGET_REMOVABLE XH_TARGET_RESERVED XH_TARGET_STOPPABLE XH_TARGET_STOPPED XHDI XHDI - eXtended HardDisk Interface (Version 1.30) XHDI cookie XHDI error-codes XHDI functions XHDI terminology XHDOSLimits XHDriverSpecial XHDrvMap XHEject XHGetCapacity XHGetVersion XHInqDev XHInqDev2 XHInqDriver XHInqTarget XHInqTarget2 XHLastAccess XHLock XHMediumChanged XHMiNTInfo XHNewCookie XHReaccess XHReadWrite XHReserve XHStop XIMG-Header xkey XMEN_MGR XOR mode XSHW_COMMAND XSHW_RUNACC XSHW_RUNANY XSHW_RUNAPP XSSI protocol XSTATE XTED xUFSL Z zerono * #_ACC #_APP #_AUT #_BKG #_BUF #_CTR #_DEV #_DRV #_ENV #_FLG #_FSL #_HDV #_INW #_MAG #_OBS #_SCP #_SHL #_SLB #_TRM #_TSL #_TXB #_TXT #_WND %apgi_0 %apgi_1 %apgi_10 %apgi_11 %apgi_12 %apgi_13 %apgi_14 %apgi_2 %apgi_22360 %apgi_22528 %apgi_3 %apgi_4 %apgi_5 %apgi_6 %apgi_64 %apgi_65 %apgi_7 %apgi_8 %apgi_9 %apgi_96 %apgi_97 %apgi_98 %apgi_99 %dpthconf_7 %dpthconf_8 %mmcookie_flgs1 200Hz Timer, Vector für _autopath _bootdev _bufl _cmdload _drvbits _dskbufp _frclock _fverify _hz_200 _longframe _md _membot _memtop _nflops _p_cookies _PNAM" _prtabt _shell_p _sysbase _timr_ms _v_bas_ad _vbclock _vbl_list _vblqueue _vq_gdos