Topic : TOS - The Operating System Author : Version : tos.hyp (December 19, 2008) Subject : Programmieren/Atari Nodes : 3010 Index Size : 93790 HCP-Version : 5 Compiled on : Atari @charset : atarist @lang : @default : Title @help : @options : +g -i -s +x +zz -t4 @width : 70 View Ref-File14.8.5.10 XHInqTarget TOS Name: »XHInqTarget« - Return information about a device. Opcode: 1 Syntax: LONG XHInqTarget ( UWORD major, UWORD minor, ULONG *block_size, ULONG *device_flags, BYTE *product_name ); Description: XHInqTarget returns information about the device specified by major and minor. Reservations made with XHReserve are reflected in device_flags. Return value: block_size: Block size for this device (important for `XHReadWrite'); usually 512 device_flags: (Bit set -> Capability available): Bit Meaning 0 Device is stoppable (XH_TARGET_STOPPABLE (0x00000001L)) 1 The medium is removable (XH_TARGET_REMOVABLE (0x00000002L)) 2 The eject mechanism can be locked (XH_TARGET_LOCKABLE (0x00000004L)) 3 The device can physically eject the medium (XH_TARGET_EJECTABLE (0x00000008L)) 29 Eject mechanism has been locked by the driver (XH_TARGET_LOCKED (0x20000000L), from XHDI 1.25 up). 30 Device has been stopped by the driver (XH_TARGET_STOPPED (0x40000000L), from XHDI 1.25 up ). 31 The device is currently reserved (XH_TARGET_RESERVED (0x80000000L)). All other bits are reserved, drivers should set them to zero. product_name: Product name of the device, similar to the information returned by the SCSI command INQUIRE (max. 33 characters incl. terminating zero). If this information is not available, the driver should return a zero-length string. Note: - The caller may pass a zero pointer for block_size, device_flags and product_name. - For IDE devices, product name information might have to be truncated to fit into 32 characters. (See XHInqTarget2) Group: XHDI functions See Also: Arbitration _drvbits Partition types System variables XHDI cookie XHDI terminology