Topic : TOS - The Operating System Author : Version : tos.hyp (December 19, 2008) Subject : Programmieren/Atari Nodes : 3010 Index Size : 93790 HCP-Version : 5 Compiled on : Atari @charset : atarist @lang : @default : Title @help : @options : +g -i -s +x +zz -t4 @width : 70 View Ref-File13. xfsl_event TOS When the font-selector has been initialized and brought to the screen, xfsl_event takes over the main work. int xfsl_event (int xhandle, EVENT *event ); The two parameters mean: xhandle The handle of the font-selector, as returned by xfsl_init. event Pointer to an EVENT structure, as used by Pure-C. In this structure the font-selector returns AES events that it could not process itself. In addition, you can also use the input parameters to tell the font-selector about which events are to be reported. However, the pointer can also just be a NULL if you do not want to evaluate any (further) events. If the font-selector is to be operated as a window-dialog and the caller (i.e. your program) has some other windows open, then you have to evaluate the redraw messages at least! Example: If you set the MU_MESAG flag in ev_mflags of evnt_multi, then the font-selector will return all the arriving AES messages that it cannot handle itself to the caller. Note: It is also possible, or course, to receive timer events; but these should only be used sparingly and not be too short, as in that case the font-selector has to leave its own event loop each time. 250 ms might serve as the - non-binding - lower limit. The possible return values of xfsl_event: xFS_STOP The 'Cancel' button or (if present) the Closer of the window-dialog was selected in the font-selector. If the CC_CLOSER control-flag is set and the Closer is clicked on, the PFONTINFO structure to which the pointer in the xFSL_PAR structure points nevertheless contains data about which font was last selected in the font- selector. Otherwise this information would not be preserved. xFS_OK A font was chosen and 'OK' selected. The font that was selected is described in the PFONTINFO structure to which the pointer in the xFSL_PAR structure points. If a valid VDI handle was passed at xfsl_init, then this font will also be set immediately on this VDI workstation. xFS_HELP The HELP button was selected (this can only occur if one has been provided, of course). It is up to the caller how it reacts to this. Normally help will be provided by the display of a Help page (or triggering such a display). xFS_EVENT An AES event has occurred that the font-selector could not process (e.g. a Redraw message for another window). Exactly what this event was can be gathered from the ev_mwich field of the EVENT structure. Desk accessories should not forget calling xfsl_exit on receipt of an AC_CLOSE message! The same applies for the AP_TERM message. xFS_POPUP A change was made in the user-popup (if present). For the changed popup entry the FF_CHANGED bit is set in the fontflags element. The popup entry which was then selected, and on return to the font-selector will be the current one in the popup (at the next xfsl_event call), will lie in the sel_entry element of xFSL_PAR. You now still have the option of making changes to the popup entries, for instance to alter the font-flags, or adopt the changed font in all other popup entries (in this way it is possible to use the popup for some other kind of information which may have nothing to do with the selected font). But the texts and the number of popup entries may not be changed! andere Werte: Other positive values should be ignored. It is possible that the interface will be extended by further return values (events). Negative values indicate an error, the font-selector should then be aborted. But it is imperative that one still calls xfsl_exit beforehand!