Topic : TOS - The Operating System Author : Version : tos.hyp (December 19, 2008) Subject : Programmieren/Atari Nodes : 3010 Index Size : 93790 HCP-Version : 5 Compiled on : Atari @charset : atarist @lang : @default : Title @help : @options : +g -i -s +x +zz -t4 @width : 70 View Ref-File13. xfsl_init TOS This call not only brings up the font-selector on the screen, it also determines which fonts are to be displayed, whether a user-popup is being used and several other things. int xsfl_init (int vdihandle, xFSL_PAR *xpar ); The two parameters mean: vdihandle As for the simplified call, here you pass the handle of a virtual VDI workstation already opened by your program, or simply a NULL. If you pass a valid workstation handle, then the font- selector will adopt the font current on this workstation and display it - provided fontflags (in the xFSL_PAR structure) actually makes it available for selection. If this is not the case, then the font-selector will choose a font from those available and display it. If you pass a NULL as workstation handle, then the font from the PFONTINFO structure (to which a pointer in the xFSL_PAR structure points) will be adopted and displayed. If you pass a VDI workstation handle, then the font selected on this workstation will also be set. xpar This is a pointer (i.e. the address) of an xFSL_PAR structure that contains all further specifications for the font-selector. Due to the large number of options, this structure has been given its own page. The following applies again for the return codes of the function: A negative return value indicates an error. Positive values here have a slightly different meaning: A 0 means that the font-selector was opened (successfully) as a modal dialog. Any other positive values correspond to the window handle of the opened font-selector. This way you can register the font-selector window with an AV-server, for instance. On success (return value larger or equal to 0) you should store the handle in a variable, as it will still be needed for the following calls (xfsl_event and xfsl_exit). Note: If the font-selector is to be displayed as a window, but xfsl_init returns the error xFS_NO_WINDOW (no more windows available), then one should attempt to display the font-selector at least as a dialog (clear control-flag CC_WINDOW and call xfsl_init again). Remember: The user wants a font-selector, not an error-message!