Topic : TOS - The Operating System
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Version : tos.hyp (December 19, 2008)
Subject : Programmieren/Atari
Nodes : 3010
Index Size : 93790
HCP-Version : 5
Compiled on : Atari
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View Ref-File13.14.1.1 The xFSL cookie TOSIf a font-selector is installed that supports the xFSL interface, then
a cookie 'xFSL' exists whose value is a pointer to the following
typedef struct
unsigned long xfsl; /* Magic 'xFSL' */
unsigned int revision; /* Interface revision */
unsigned long product; /* Font-selector identifier */
unsigned int version; /* Font-selector version */
xFSL_INPUT xfsl_input; /* Simplified call */
xFSL_INIT xfsl_init; /* Init call */
xFSL_EVENT xfsl_event; /* Event call */
xFSL_EXIT xfsl_exit; /* Exit call */
xFSL_INFO xfsl_info; /* Info call */
} xFSL;
Die Komponenten der Struktur im einzelnen:
xfsl Here we have for safety's sake once more the ASCII character
string 'xFSL' (= 0x7846534C in hexadecimal).
revision This is the revision number of the xFSL interface; at
present it contains the value 4. If the interface should be
extended in the future, one will find correspondingly higher values
product Here one finds the identifier for the actually installed font-selector. This entry is intended, however, only as additional
information, and should not be evaluated by application programs
that want to call the font-selector!
Identifiers used to date:
Identifier Font-selector
CLVN Calvino
FSEL FontSel
The identifier (like the following version number too) was only
introduced for programs that want to output information about the
installed font-selector (e.g. the program 'SysInfo').
version The version number of the installed font-selector as BCD
number (e.g. hexadecimal 0x100 for Version 1.00). The same notes
apply here as for the product field above.
xfsl_input This is the entry point for a simplified call of the
font-selector. The font-selector then appears always as a modal
dialog and most of the additional features of the xFSL interface
can not be accessed.
xfsl_init, xfsl_event, xfsl_exit These three functions together form
the extended font-selector call. All of the new features can be
accessed via them. The procedure corresponds to the display of a
GEM dialog:
1. Display font-selector (xfsl_init)
2. Event handling in a loop until 'OK' or 'Cancel' has been
selected (xfsl_event)
3. Remove font-selector from the screen (xfsl_exit)
xfsl_info With this call one can inquire about some of the features
of the installed font-selector, e.g. Drag&Drop support.