Topic : TOS - The Operating System Author : Version : tos.hyp (December 19, 2008) Subject : Programmieren/Atari Nodes : 3010 Index Size : 93790 HCP-Version : 5 Compiled on : Atari @charset : atarist @lang : @default : Title @help : @options : +g -i -s +x +zz -t4 @width : 70 View Ref-File13.13.3.2 Remote-Mailmerge protocol TOS For this protocol there are two new XAcc message types, namely: #define ACC_FORCESDF 0x520 #define ACC_GETSDF 0x521 TA sends to TW an ACC_FORCESDF when an address or an address-list is to be sent to TW. If it is dealing only with an address, msg[4]+[5] contains a pointer to the keyword of the address; for an address-list msg[4]+[5] contains a pointer to '#L'. The ACC_FORCESDF message must be conirmed with an ACC_ACK (msg[3]==1 -> OK and msg[3]==0 -> ERROR). When TW receves a '#L', then TW runs a normal MailMerge protocol. If TW receives a keyword (max. 20 characters long), then TW requests this address from TA with ACC_GETSDF. The ACC_GETSDF message must have a pointer in msg[4]+[5] to a buffer that first contains the keyword with a terminating '\0' followed by the XDF format string (e.g.: 'JÖ@{"RG" ignore}\0A1,A2,A3\0'). If TA can understand the ACC_GETSDF message, then it sends an ACC_ACK with msg[3]==1, else an ACC_ACK with msg[3]==0. Subsequently TW will receive the data of this single address as with the normal MailMerge protocol. TW must have in its XDSC string an 'XRM', so that TA itself will start a Remote-Mailmerge protocol. TA now has the following XDSC features (e.g. ACC): const char ta2Ident[] = "That's Address ACC\0XDSC\0" "1Adressverwaltung\0" "2DB\0" "XMM\0XSU\0XDI\0XRM\0NnoAddress ACC\0"; XMM MailMerge XSU Keyword passing (optional with following '?') XDI Inquiry protocol XRM Remote-MailMerge