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Topic       : TOS - The Operating System
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Version     : tos.hyp (December 19, 2008)
Subject     : Programmieren/Atari
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View Ref-File13.10.3  SSP messages                                              TOS

Messages are currently undefined. Free AES message numbers have to be 
found and the SSP messages defined.

  1. Service Requesting Application Service Request

     #define SSP_SRASR 0x126F
     SRA -> Server
     (!nolink [AES]) message-buffer:
       [0]    = SSP_SRASR
       [1]    = appl_id        - Application ID of SRA
       [2][3] = (long)dataLen  - LONG that gives length of data in the
       [4]    = dataID         - Data identification (SSP_TEXT,
                                 SSP_FILENAME ...)
       [5]    = shmID          - ID number for shared memory file
       Filename for shm-file is u:/shm/[applid]_data[id].ssp
       For example, if Smurf has (!I)appl_id(!i) 25, is sending a file and
       chose id 0: u:/shm/25_data0.ssp

     The shm-block contains data to be transferred:

      SSP_COMPRESSFILE: Complete Filepath, including name and 

      SSP_SENDFILE:     Complete Filepath, including name and 

      SSP_UPLOADFILE:   Complete Filepath, including name and 

      SSP_SENDMSG:      Complete text message to be sent

     [4] is important to the Server. Since the SRA doesn't have any 
     influence on the selection of services by the user, the SRA has 
     to tell the Server what the shared memory block contains, so that 
     the Server can decide which services apply to the data, how these 
     services are to be handled and what to send to the SPA, 
     especially when combining services.

     This is all the SRA has to do. The Server will open popups/dialog 
     windows for choosing possible services and service providing 
     applications - open shared memory file with Fcreate and Fcntl, 
     Fclose - send SRASR message to SSP-Server

  2. Server Service Initialization Request

     #define SSP_SSIR 0x1270
     Server -> SPA
     AES message-buffer:
       [0] = SSP_SSIR
       [1] = requestID - ID of Server request (SSP_RECIPIENTS, SSP_COMPRESSFORMAT...)
       [2] = sessionID - ID of SSP session
       Filename for shm-file is u:/shm/[applID]_init[sessionID].ssp

     For example, if aICQ is to send a file to another user, [1] will 
     contain SSP_RECIPIENTS. aICQ is then to open an shm-file with the 
     name built by the above conventions: u:/shm/32_init0.ssp (given 
     aICQs appl_id is 32), containing a list of recipients (nicknames) 
     separated by CRLF terminated by NULL. requestID will only contain 
     values for possible services for the SPA, as transmitted to the 
     Server upon SSP initialization (e.g. aICQ will only receive 
     respond with SSP_SPASI.

  3. Service Providing Application Service Initialization

     #define SSP_SPASI 0x1271
     SPA -> Server
     AES message-buffer:
       [0] = SSP_SPASI
       [1] = sessionID - ID of SSP session as given in SSP_SSIR

     The Server holds the status of each session and can hence 
     determine by the sessionID the name of the shm-file to open and 
     the type of data that it contains.

     In the SSP_SENDFILE / SSP_RECIPIENTS case, the Server will 
     retrieve the list of recipients from the file and open a 
     popup/dialog, listing them. After the user picks a recipient, the 
     SPA will receive SSP_SSUR:

  4. Server Service Use Request

     #define SSP_SSUR 0x1272
     Server -> SPA
     AES message-buffer:
       [0]    = SSP_SSUR
       [1]    = serviceID    - ID of service (e.g. SSP_SENDFILE)
       [2]    = sessionID    - ID of SSP session as given in SSP_SSIR
       [3][4] = (long)initID - ID of picked initialization datum
       [5]    = shmID1       - ID 1 for shm-block
       [5]    = shmID2       - ID 2 for shm-block
       [7]    = sspPar1
       [8]    = sspPar2

     The SPA can then open the file u:/shm/[shmID1]_data[shmID2].ssp 
     (e.g. 25_data0.ssp) and retrieve the data, initID is the number 
     of the initialization datum chosen by the user, for a ICQ 
     sendfile it would be the number of the recipient out of the list 
     it transmitted in SSP_SPASI. 1 would be the first recipient, n 
     the n-th.

     The shm file contains:

      SSP_COMPRESSFILE: Complete filepath, including name and 

      SSP_SENDFILE:     Complete filepath, including name and 

      SSP_UPLOADFILE:   Complete filepath, including name and 

      SSP_SENDMSG:      Complete text message to be sent

     sspPar1 and sspPar2 are parameters set by the Server that 
     indicate what to do. For SSP_SENDFILE, both are unused. For 
     SSP_COMPRESSFILE sspPar1 would be the ID of a shared memory file 
     (u:/shm/cffile[ssPar1].ssp) that contains the filename to pack 
     the archive to.

     For SSP_UPLOADFILE sspPar1 would be the ID of a shared memory 
     file u:/shm/uplfile[sspPar1].ssp) that contains the directory 
     name to upload the file to on the chosen Server (initID).

     The SPA is to copy or use the data contained in the shm-block as 
     quickly as possible, and then send SSP_SPASA back to the Server. 
     After that, the service should be performed (see also Immediate 
     Response and Delayed Response services!)

  5. Service Providing Application Service Acknowledge

     #define SSP_SPASA 0x1273
     SPA -> Server
     AES message-buffer:
       [0] = SSP_SPASA
       [1] = sessionID - ID of SSP session as given in SSP_SSIR

     This acknowledges performing the service and closes the current 
     session. Finally, the Server will send SSP_SSA to the SRA, after 
     receiving SSP_SPASA:

  6. Server Service Acknowledge

     #define SSP_SSA 0x1274
     Server -> SRA
     AES message-buffer:
       [0] = SSP_SSA
       [1] = dataID  - ID of data shm file as given in SSP_SRASR

     This indicates that the service is performing or has been 
     performed, and the SRA can close and delete the shared memory 
     file u:/shm/[appl_id]_data[dataID].ssp (e.g. 25_data0.ssp) using 