Topic : TOS - The Operating System Author : Version : tos.hyp (December 19, 2008) Subject : Programmieren/Atari Nodes : 3010 Index Size : 93790 HCP-Version : 5 Compiled on : Atari @charset : atarist @lang : @default : Title @help : @options : +g -i -s +x +zz -t4 @width : 70 View Ref-FileSE_OK ES_INIT TOS The editor asks whether a shell understands the SE protocol. Make-up of the message: Word 3: A bitset specifying which shell messages are understood: Message Bit Hex value ---------------------------- SE_INIT 0 0x0001 SE_OK 1 0x0002 SE_ACK 2 0x0004 SE_OPEN 3 0x0008 SE_ERROR 4 0x0010 SE_ERRFILE 5 0x0020 SE_PROJECT 6 0x0040 SE_QUIT 7 0x0080 SE_TERMINATE 8 0x0100 SE_CLOSE 9 0x0200 SE_MENU 10 0x0400 Word 4+5: A bitset specifying which editor commands are sent: Message Bit Hex value --------------------------- ES_INIT 0 0x0001 ES_OK 1 0x0002 ES_ACK 2 0x0004 ES_COMPILE 3 0x0008 ES_MAKE 4 0x0010 ES_MAKEALL 5 0x0020 ES_LINK 6 0x0040 ES_EXEC 7 0x0080 ES_MAKEEXEC 8 0x0100 ES_PROJECT 9 0x0200 ES_QUIT 10 0x0400 ES_SHLCTRL 11 0x0800 Note: WORD 4 and 5 together form a LONGword. Since the messages defined to date only require 12 bits, WORD 4 will normally be NULL. Word 6: Supported version number of the protocol as BCD number, thus 0x0105 (hexadecimal) for Version 1.05 Reply: As a reply the editor receives SE_OK from the shell.