Topic : TOS - The Operating System Author : Version : tos.hyp (December 19, 2008) Subject : Programmieren/Atari Nodes : 3010 Index Size : 93790 HCP-Version : 5 Compiled on : Atari @charset : atarist @lang : @default : Title @help : @options : +g -i -s +x +zz -t4 @width : 70 View Ref-FileES_ACK SE_ERROR TOS An error has arisen during compilation. Make-up of the message: Word 3+4: A pointer to an info structrure that is built up as follows: typedef struct { char *errFile; /* Pointer to the name of the compiled file */ char *errMess; /* Pointer to the error-message */ int errNum; /* The error number */ long errLine; /* The erroneous line */ int errRow; /* The column with the error (or 0) */ } ERRINFO; Reply: The editor confirms the message with ES_ACK. Note: If the shell can't or doesn't want to make any position specification, it should set the line and column to zero.