Topic : TOS - The Operating System Author : Version : tos.hyp (December 19, 2008) Subject : Programmieren/Atari Nodes : 3010 Index Size : 93790 HCP-Version : 5 Compiled on : Atari @charset : atarist @lang : @default : Title @help : @options : +g -i -s +x +zz -t4 @width : 70 View Ref-File13.8.48 OLGA history TOS Rev 1.3-beta (1997-06-05) . OLGA_CLIENTTERMINATED extended Rev 1.2 (1996-11-20) . OLGA_CLIENTTERMINATED, OLGA_SERVERTERMINATED . Idle-Test (OLGA_IDLE) . Notification-extension (OLGA_REQUESTNOTIFICATION, OLGA_RELEASENOTIFICATION, OLGA_NOTIFY, OLGA_NOTIFIED) . InplaceDrawing: 'ID4-OLGA' (OLGA_GETOBJECTS, OLGA_OBJECTS, OLGA_ACTIVATE, OLGA_EMBED, OLGA_EMBEDDED, OLGA_UNEMBED, OLGA_INPLACEUPDATE, OLGAObjectInfo, CBDraw, CBUnembed) . Configuration enquiry (OLGA_GETSETTINGS, OLGA_SETTINGS) Rev 1.1 (1996-07-24) . New block 'ICON' in OLGA info files . After OLGA_OPENDOC, OLGA_ACK is sent out . OL_PEER Rev 1.0 (1996-01-24) . msg[6] of the command line OLGA_ACK adapted to OLGA_START . From now on multitasking is a prerequisite, so the OLGA_BLOCK and OLGA_UNBLOCK messages become unnecessary Rev 0.9 (1995-11-10) . OLE messages have new numbers Rev 0.8 (1995-11-05) . Info files concept, see 'File formats'... . Extension of OLGA_UPDATE and OLGA_UPDATED . New messages OLGA_GETINFO and OLGA_INFO Rev 0.7 (1995-04-09) . OLE initialisation (OEP/OLGA) . The OLGA_INIT message for the application to the Manager replaced with OLE_INIT . The Manager no longer passes its own name via OLGA_INIT . OLGA_EXIT renamed OLE_EXIT, OLGA_NEW renamed OLE_NEW . OLGA_OPENDOC no longer passes document names Rev 0.6 (beta release only) . Parallel starting of the Manager (refer to OLGA_INIT) with shel_write . Automatic termination . OLGA_EXIT on Manager shutdown . OLGA_NEW Rev 0.5 (1999-03-01) . OL_START, OLGA_START . OL_PIPES . On program end OLGA_EXIT looks after everything, OLGA_CLOSEDOC, OLGA_UNLINK should not be used . OLGA_ACK sent following OLGA_CLOSEDOC message . Applications should specify an XAcc program type at OLGA_INIT to set an XAcc program type Rev 0.4 (1995-01-07) . New messages OLGA_BREAKLINK and OLGA_LINKBROKEN Rev 0.3 (1995-01-04) . OLGA_RENAMED renamed OLGA_RENAMELINK . OLGA_LINKRENAMED has been added, and due to this the numbers of OLGA_BLOCK/OLGA_UNBLOCK have changed Rev 0.2 . Completely revised in line with the GOLEM suggestions