Topic : TOS - The Operating System
Author :
Version : tos.hyp (December 19, 2008)
Subject : Programmieren/Atari
Nodes : 3010
Index Size : 93790
HCP-Version : 5
Compiled on : Atari
@charset : atarist
@lang :
@default : Title
@help :
@options : +g -i -s +x +zz -t4
@width : 70
View Ref-File13.8.29.6 OLGA_EMBEDDED TOSIf a Client would like to embed an object, the Server receives the
following OLGA_EMBED message from the Manager:
Parameter Meaning
WORD 0 Message number (0x124b)
WORD 1 Manager identifier (manID)
WORD 2 0
WORD 3 Client-flag
WORD 4+5 Pointer to OLGAObjectInfo WORD 6 0
WORD 7 ClientID
WORDs 3..5 may not be changed by the Server and must be returned by
OLGA_EMBEDDED. The ServerData field in OLGAObjectInfo can be freely
used by the Server.
The Server can now load the file passed in OLGAObjectInfo, set CBLockto NULL and enter in CBDraw the pointer to its draw routine. In
CBUnembed, the Server can carry a routine which the Client will call
on dissolving the ID4-connection.
The Server must then immediately (!) send the Client the following
OLGA_EMBEDDED reply (the Server obtains the ClientID from WORD 7 of
the above OLGA_EMBED message):
Parameter Meaning
WORD 0 Message number (0x124c)
WORD 1 Server identifier (serverID)
WORD 2 0
WORD 3 Client-flag
WORD 4+5 Pointer to OLGAObjectInfo WORD 6 Width of the object in 1/100mm (unsigned),
0 on error
WORD 7 Height of the object in 1/100mm (unsigned),
0 on error
If the Server indicates an error in WORD 6..7, the Client will not
embed the object.
Important: If the Server was started in parallel with the Manager,
OLGA_EMBED messages can arrive before the Server has ended its OLGA
installation! It is up to the Server whether it deals with the
OLGA_EMBEDDED replies immediately or only after completing its
This function was added to OLGA in Rev 1.2 (1996-11-20).