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Topic       : The GFA-Basic Compendium
Author      : GFA Systemtechnik GmbH
Version     : GFABasic.HYP v2.98 (12/31/2023)
Subject     : Documentation/Programming
Nodes       : 899
Index Size  : 28056
HCP-Version : 3
Compiled on : Atari
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View Ref-FileDEFLINE [style],[width],[start],[end]

style, width, start, end: iexp

The command DEFLINE determines the appearance of lines drawn with the commands
LINE, BOX, RBOX, CIRCLE, ELLIPSE, and POLYLINE. The first parameter 'style'
determines the line style, with a choice between pre-defined and user-defined
styles. The following styles are available:

    Style  Description    Output
1 Solid (default) 2 Long dash 3 Dotted 4 Dash dot dash 5 Short dash 6 Dash dot dot 7 User defined N/A User-defined patterns can be created from a 16-bit value in which each bit corresponds to a set point in the monochrome mode. This is a special case and must be a -negative 16-bit value. The second parameter 'width' sets the width of the line in pixels and this parameter must only have odd values. If even, the line width is rounded down to the next smallest odd number. The start and end symbols of a line are defined by means of 'start' and 'end'. The available options are: Start/End Description Output
0 Square (default) 1 Arrow 2 Round Parameters can be omitted in the definition providing the parameter-separating commas are entered. Thus, DEFLINE ,,1,1 specifies an arrow as a symbol for the line beginning and end, leaving the style and width unchanged (see Appendix: Line Style Table). Example: FOR i=1 TO 6 DEFLINE i LINE 50,i*50,200,i*50 NEXT i DEFLINE 1,1,1,2 FOR i=2 to 12 STEP 2 DEFLINE ,i LINE 250,i*25,400,i*25 NEXT i DEFLINE -&X101010101010101,1,0,0 LINE 500,10,500,390 VOID INP(2) --> Lines in the six pre-defined styles are drawn followed by lines of different thickness. The line in the user-defined pattern is dotted. Finally, the program waits for a key to be pressed. VDI calls: DEFLINE vsl_type(),vsl_width(),vsl_ends(),vsl_ends() Memo: User defined examples: dotted line (&HAAAA) DEFLINE &HFFFF5556 DEFLINE &X11111111111111110101010101010110 Internally 'neg.w d0' is applied to the style parameter in this case. Parameters 'start' and 'end' are passed on to vsl_ends(). If you don't set both at once the other one gets reset to zero. Example: DEFLINE ,,1 -> start=1/end=0 DEFLINE ,,,1 -> start=0/end=1 DEFLINE ,,1,1 -> start=1/end=1 If you want the opposite end to be reset to zero that's fine, but otherwise this seems odd to me. Normally settings stay set until changed, this one is an expection to the rule. To avoid confusion always set parameters 'start' and 'end' together. Editor accepts DEFLINE with no parameters. Has no effect. Generates no code compiled. vsl_type()+, vsl_width()+, vsl_ends()+, vsl_udsty()+