Topic : TOS - The Operating System
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Version : tos.hyp (December 19, 2008)
Subject : Programmieren/Atari
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View Ref-File12.2.1 mec0 (MPS) interface TOS0. General remarksMPS = Magic_Programmier_Schnittstelle = MagiC programmer's interface
Files of the demo example:
mps_base.def The export list of the DLL, DO NOT ALTER!mps_base.h Definition of the MPS interface, DO NOT ALTER!mps_base.cpp Basic functions of the DLL, DO NOT ALTER!mps_demo.h Definitions for the demo-DLL
mps_demo.cpp The MPS_functions of the demo-DLL
testmps.s Motorola - Example for calling the MPS functions of
the demo
To develop your own MPS_DLLs, please use mps_base.def, mps_base.h and
mps_base.cpp unaltered. You can alter/supplement mps_demo.h and
mps_demo.cpp. In particular, please choose your own DLL_ID in
mps_demo.h for differentiation from other MPS_DLLs.
I. ConceptWindows-side one can use dynamic link libraries (DLLs) to establish
any number of functions (called 'MPS_functions' in the following)
which can be called within MagiC PC (Motorola-side).
In the start-up phase MagiC PC attempts to load and start all DLLs in
the MPS subdirectory. For this MagiC PC calls three functions to be
exported from the DLL (in this order):
1. mps_get_type(): Must return 0x4701!
2. mps_get_functionlist(...): Obtains DLL_ID and MPS_functions list
of the DLL.
3. mps_magicinfo: Provides information about MagiC PC's own data and
functions which the DLL may use on demand.
All functions declared in 2) can be called via special opcodes on the
Motorola side. See part IV for more about the call.
II. Functions of the DLL to be exported ('Basic functions')An MPS_DLL must export exactly 3 C functions under fixed ordinal
numbers (these are also called basic functions): (see mfp_base.def,
mfp_base.cpp, mfp_base.h)
. @101: int mps_get_type()
Purpose: Serves for reassurance that it was really MPS_DLL that
was caught. !! Return value: 0x4701 !!
. @102: int mps_get_functionlist(DWORD *mps_dll_id,MPS_fuptr
Purpose: MagiC PC wants to know DLL_ID and MPS_functionlist.
Return values:
*mps_ddl_id: DLL_ID (4 bytes, to be selected DLL-specifically!)
*p_functionslist: Pointer to list of the MPS_functions.
Return: 1: All OK
. @103: void mps_magicinfo(MPS_magicinfo *is);
Purpose: Provides information about MagiC PC's own info /
function pointers which the DLL may use:
typedef struct {
DWORD sizeof_str; // Size of MPS_magicinfo
DWORD magic_version; // e.g. 0x010001
DWORD magic_date; // e.g. 19960815 (ascending)
BYTE is_demo; // Is it a demo version?
BYTE uu1, uu2, uu3; // Still unused, 0
BYTE *(*intel_adr)(DWORD motadr); // Convert address Motorola -> Intel
BYTE *(*intel_ptr)(DWORD motptr); // Convert pointer Motorola -> Intel (NULL stays NULL!)
WORD (*swap_word)(WORD w); // Swap one WORD
DWORD (*swap_long)(DWORD dw); // Swap one LONGword
} MPS_magicinfo;
The address conversions return NULL if motadr or motptr is
III. The freely definable MPS_functions of a DLL:MPS_functions basically have the form:
void function_blabla( MPS_motregs *motregs )
motregs here points to a list of the Motorola registers d0-a7. The
contents of the registers is already in the correct Intel byte order.
The Motorola registers may also have new values written to them.
With mps_get_functionlist the DLL passes the list of addresses of all
such MPS_functions. The function numbers correspond to the position of
the function within the list. If a number is to remain free, then its
address is passed as 0xffffffff (= -1). See also mps_demo.cpp.
IV. Motorola-side callMPS_functions are called by a Motorola-side 8-byte opcode:
dc.w $4fbf * 2 bytes: Do not alter!
dc.l DLL_ID * 4 bytes: DLL-specific DLL_ID
dc.w Fkt_no. * 2 bytes: Function number
DLL_ID is the DLL_ID (4 bytes!) passed via mps_get_functionlist.
Function number is the position of the function in the function list
passed by mps_get_functionlist (count starts at 0).
V. Miscellaneous 1. Each DLL should use an individual DLL_ID to prevent conflicts
between multiple DLLs (see mps_demo.h). DLL_IDs with bit 31 set
are reserved for us (Application Systems) or for allocated IDs.
Therefore please do not choose a DLL_ID with set bit 31! If we
are to allocate a reserved DLL_ID to you, please get in touch
with Herr Hoffmann of Application Systems Heidelberg.
The following DLL_IDs have been allocated:
DLL_ID Program name Author
0x003f5c66 MPCTime Robert Weiß
0x2053434B MPCSTiK Dan Ackerman
0x21342812 Draconis Windows Sockets
0x44594a01 In2Cat Dimitri Junker
0x44594a02 Win_Lnk Dimitri Junker
0x50475752 MPC_POWR Emanuel Welter
2. Pay attention to the displacement of the address space!! If you
want to use a Motorola address on the DLL side, you should call
intel_adr(..) or intel_ptr(..) respectively for conversion (see
MPS_magicinfo in mps_base.h). Addresses from the DLL address
space can not be used Motorola-side!
3. Also pay attention to the different byte order between Motorola
and Intel processors. WORDs and LONGwords from the Motorola
address space have to be swapped so that they lie correctly in
the DLL. If anything is written back then it has to be swapped
once more. For this you can call the functions swap_word(..) or
swap_long(..) (see MPS_magicinfo in mps_base.h). BUT: Elements of
MPS_motregs (d0-a7) are already in the Intel order and do not
have to be swapped.