Topic : The ATARI Compendium
Author : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject : Documentation
Nodes : 1117
Index Size : 32614
HCP-Version : 6
Compiled on : Atari
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View Ref-FileSoundcmd()Devconnect() XBIOSSyntaxLONG Devconnect( source, dest, clk, prescale, protocol )
WORD source, dest, clk, prescale, protocol;
Function Devconnect() attaches a source device in the sound system to
one or multiple destination devices through the use of the
connection matrix.
Opcode 139 (0x8B)
Availability Available only when bit #2 of the '_SND' cookie is set.
Parameters source indicates the source device to connect as follows:
Name source Meaning
DMAPLAY 0 DMA Playback
DSPXMIT 1 DSP Transmit
EXTINP 2 External Input
ADC 3 Microphone/Yamaha PSGdest is a bit mask which is used to choose which destination
devices to connect as follows:
Name Mask Meaning
DMAREC 0x01 DMA Record
DSPRECV 0x02 DSP Receive
EXTOUT 0x04 External Out
DAC 0x08 DAC (Headphone or Internal Speaker)
clk is the clock the source device will use as follows:
Name clk Meaning
CLK_25M 0 Internal 25.175 MHz clock
CLK_EXT 1 External clock
CLK_32M 2 Internal 32 MHz clock
prescale chooses the source clock prescaler. Sample rate is
determined by the formula:
clockrate / 256
rate = ----------------
prescale + 1
Valid prescaler values for the internal CODEC using
the 25.175 MHz clock are:
Name prescale Meaning/Sample Rate
CLK_COMPAT 0 TT030/STe compatiblity mode. Use
prescale value set with Soundcmd().
CLK_50K 1 49170 Hz
CLK_33K 2 32880 Hz
CLK_25K 3 24585 Hz
CLK_20K 4 19668 Hz
CLK_16K 5 16390 Hz
CLK_12K 7 12292 Hz
CLK_10K 9 9834 Hz
CLK_8K 11 8195 Hz
protocol sets the handshaking mode. A value of HANDSHAKE (0)
enables handshaking, NO_SHAKE (1) disables it. When
transferring sound or video data through the CODEC it is
usually recommended that handshaking be disabled. When
incoming data must be 100% error free, however, handshaking
should be enabled.
Binding move.w protocol,-(sp)
move.w prescale,-(sp)
move.w clk,-(sp)
move.w dest,-(sp)
move.w source,-(sp)
move.w #$8B,-(sp)
trap #14
lea 12(sp),sp
Return Value Devconnect() returns 0 if the operation was successful or
non-zero otherwise.
Caveats Setting the prescaler to an invalid value will result in
a mute condition.
See Also Soundcmd()