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Topic       : TOS - The Operating System
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Version     : tos.hyp (December 19, 2008)
Subject     : Programmieren/Atari
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HCP-Version : 5
Compiled on : Atari
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View Ref-File11.5.16.16  xfs_drv_close                                          TOS

 Name:        »xfs_drv_close« - Force a disk media change.


               a0 =     DMD *
               d0 =     int mode
               -> d0 =  long errcode

 Description: The function xfs_drv_close also performs two tasks, 
              depending on mode:

                1. mode == 0:
                   The kernel requests the XFS to close the drive, if 
                   possible. If this is not permitted then EACCON must 
                   be returned, else all structures are to be released 
                   or caches written back and E_OK returned.

                   Opened fies are recognized already by the kernel 
                   and closing of the drive will be prevented. However 
                   only those files that have a handle and are known 
                   to the kernel can be recognized here. For the sake 
                   of safety the kernel calls xfs_sync before calling 
                   this function in case a write-back cache is being 
                   used. This strategy will be carried out also even 
                   if at some time a mechanism is built in that 
                   monitors eject buttons of interchangeablemedia 
                   drives or CD-ROMs, and bars ejection if necessary.

                2. mode == 1:
                   The kernel forces closing of the drive, the XFS has 
                   to return E_OK. No caches may be written back as 
                   the drive is already invalid (after a media change 
                   has been reported already). DDs and FDs do not have 
                   to be released as far as they are still referenced 
                   by the kernel, i.e. the kernel still performs 
                   xfs_freeDD or dev_close even after a media change.

              The internal DOS_XFS passes the call on to the DFS 
              function of the same name, and in addition the XFS 
              structures will be released if necessary.

 Group:       Make-up of an XFS

 See also:    MagiC's XFS-concept