Topic : TOS - The Operating System
Author :
Version : tos.hyp (December 19, 2008)
Subject : Programmieren/Atari
Nodes : 3010
Index Size : 93790
HCP-Version : 5
Compiled on : Atari
@charset : atarist
@lang :
@default : Title
@help :
@options : +g -i -s +x +zz -t4
@width : 70
View Ref-File3.1.2 Bconin TOS Name: Bios console input
Opcode: 2
Syntax: int32_t Bconin ( int16_t dev );
Description: The BIOS routine Bconin reads in a character from a
peripheral device. The following devices can be
specified for dev:
dev Meaning
0 prn: (Printer/Parallel port)
1 aux: (aux device, the RS-232 port)
2 con: (Console)
3 MIDI port
4 Keyboard port
5 Screen
6 ST compatible RS232 port (Modem 1)
7 SCC channel B (Modem 2)
8 TTMFP serial port (Modem 3)
9 SCC channel A (Modem 4)
Note that the device numbers from 6 up are only
available from the TOS030 of the Atari-TT. A wrong
declaration for dev can lead to a system crash.
Return value: The function returns the read-in character as an ASCII
value in the bits 0..7. When reading from the console,
the bits 16 to 23 contain the scan-code of the relevant
key. If, in addition, the corresponding bit of the
system variable conterm is set, then the bits 24 to 31
contain the current value of Kbshift.
Availability: All TOS versions.
See also: BindingBconoutKeytblBconmap