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Topic       : MC68030 - Instruction Assembler Syntax
Author      : Bjørn Ove Årthun/Jiri Kucik
Version     : mc68030.hyp 0.01 (29/02/96)
Subject     : Programming/Others
Nodes       : 120
Index Size  : 2440
HCP-Version : 2
Compiled on : Atari
@charset    : atarist
@lang       : 
@default    : 
@help       : %main
@options    : +g -i -s +z
@width      : 75
View Ref-FileNAME      BFSET -- Bit field set

SYNOPSIS  BFSET  <ea>{OFFSET:WIDTH}        (68020+)

          No size specs.

FUNCTION  <ea> indicates destination operand which a part of bits have to be
          set. Offset enables to locate first bit of field; width specifies
          number of bits of this field. Field is tested, flags are set, and bits
          of field are set.
          Be careful, this instruction operates from MSB to LSB!!

FORMAT                                                      <ea>
          |15 |14 |13 |12 |11 |10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
          | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 |    MODE   | REGISTER  |
          | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |Do |       OFFSET      |Dw |      WIDTH        |

          If Do = 0->Field "OFFSET" contains an immediate value which represents
          effective offset, value from 0 to 31.
          If Do = 1->Field "OFFSET" indicates number of a data register (bits 9
          and 10 of field cleared) which contains effective offset. Signed value
          is represented on 32 bits., so it's extended from -2 EXP 31 to
          (+2 EXP 31) -1.

          If Dw = 0->field "WIDTH" contains an immediate value between 1 and 31
          which indicates a width from 1 to 31 bits. A value of 0 indicates a
          width of 32 bits.
          If Dw = 1->field "WIDTH" indicates number of a data register (bits 3
          and 4 of field cleared) which contains width of bit field. The value
          modulo 32 can go from 1 to 31, indicating a width from 1 to 31 bits.
          A value 0 indicates a width of 32 bits.

REGISTER  <ea> is always destination, addressing modes are the following:
          +-------------------------------+ +-----------------------------+
          |Addressing Mode|Mode| Register | |Addressing Mode|Mode|Register|
          |-------------------------------| |-----------------------------|
          |      Dn       |000 |Nã reg. Dn| |    Abs.W      |111 |  000   |
          |-------------------------------| |-----------------------------|
          |      An       | -  |     -    | |    Abs.L      |111 |  001   |
          |-------------------------------| |-----------------------------|
          |     (An)      |010 |Nã reg. An| |   (d16,PC)    | -  |   -    |
          |-------------------------------| |-----------------------------|
          |     (An)+     | -  |     -    | |   (d8,PC,Xi)  | -  |   -    |
          |-------------------------------| |-----------------------------|
          |    -(An)      | -  |     -    | |   (bd,PC,Xi)  | -  |   -    |
          |-------------------------------| |-----------------------------|
          |    (d16,An)   |101 |Nã reg. An| |([bd,PC,Xi],od)| -  |   -    |
          |-------------------------------| |-----------------------------|
          |   (d8,An,Xi)  |110 |Nã reg. An| |([bd,PC],Xi,od)| -  |   -    |
          |-------------------------------| |-----------------------------|
          |   (bd,An,Xi)  |110 |Nã reg. An| |    #data      | -  |   -    |
          |-------------------------------| +-----------------------------+
          |([bd,An,Xi]od) |110 |Nã reg. An|
          |([bd,An],Xi,od)|110 |Nã reg. An|

RESULT    X - not affected
          N - Set if MSB of field is set. Cleared otherwise.
          Z - Set if all the bits of the field tested are zero.
              Cleared otherwise.
          V - Always cleared.
          C - Always cleared.