Topic : TOS - The Operating System Author : Version : tos.hyp (December 19, 2008) Subject : Programmieren/Atari Nodes : 3010 Index Size : 93790 HCP-Version : 5 Compiled on : Atari @charset : atarist @lang : @default : Title @help : @options : +g -i -s +x +zz -t4 @width : 70 View Ref-File11.3 Extract from MagiC's BIOS TOS ******************************* ******* ACSI ****************** ******************************* * Interrupt control : * * Everything works via input I5 of the ST-MFP, has the interrupt #7 * (activated with bit 7 of ierb) * Polling via bit 5 of gpip * First aer for bit 5 must be 0, i.e. interrupt is only triggered * during the transition of 1 to 0 * Second activate interrupt _mfpint (7) and set vector (address $11c) * ********************************************************************** * * Lock the FDC/ACSI-DMA - * and then free it again * No register (apart from d0 at dma_end) is altered * * For the time in which AES has not yet been initialized, evnt_sem * cannot block, as act_appl is always NULL * dma_begin: movem.l d1-d2/a0-a2,-(sp) lea dma_sem,a0 moveq #0,d1 ; No timeout moveq #SEM_SET,d0 jsr evnt_sem st flock movem.l (sp)+,d1-d2/a0-a2 rts dma_end: movem.l d0-d2/a0-a2,-(sp) lea dma_sem,a0 moveq #SEM_FREE,d0 jsr evnt_sem clr.w flock movem.l (sp)+,d0-d2/a0-a2 rts ********************************************************************** * * long wait_ACSI( d0 = long ticks_200hz ) * * Return value: 0 OK * -1 Timeout * -2 Bus error * wait_ACSI: movem.l d1-d2/a0-a2,-(sp) tst.w pe_slice ; Preemptive? bmi.b wdma_no_yield ; No, busy waiting move.l act_appl,d2 ble.b wdma_no_yield ; Current application invalid * New routine via evnt_IO and MFP interrupt lsr.l #2,d0 ; (!nolink [AES]): 50Hz instead of 200Hz wdma_new: move sr,d1 ori #$700,sr btst #5,gpip ; Finished? beq.b wdma_ok2 ; Yes, enable interrupt ; Set up interrupt pea int_mfp7_unsel(pc) move.l d2,imfp7_appl ; act_appl move.l sp,imfp7_unsel ; Release interrupt move.w d1,sr ; Wait for interrupt move.l sp,a0 ;move.w d0,d0 ; Timeout in 50Hz ticks jsr evnt_IO addq.l #4,sp wdma_end: movem.l (sp)+,d1-d2/a0-a2 rts * Old routine with busy waiting via _hz_200 wdma_no_yield: add.l _hz_200,d0 wdma_loop: btst #5,gpip beq.b wdma_ok cmp.l _hz_200,d0 bcc.b wdma_loop wdma_timeout: moveq #-1,d0 ; Timeout bra.b wdma_end wdma_ok2: move.w d1,sr wdma_ok: moveq #0,d0 ; OK bra.b wdma_end ********************************************************************** * * Interrupt routine for MFP, interrupt channel #7 = I/O-port 5 * (DMA/FDC busy) * * Return value: 0 (OK) * int_mfp7: tst.l imfp7_unsel ; Interrupt activated? beq.b imfp7_end ; No, continue movem.l d0-d2/a0-a2,-(sp) move.l imfp7_unsel,a0 clr.l imfp7_unsel ; Deactivate interrupt clr.l (a0) ; Mark as arrived move.l imfp7_appl,a0 jsr appl_IOcomplete ; Awake waiting APP movem.l (sp)+,d0-d2/a0-a2 imfp7_end: move.b #$7f,isrb ; Clear service-bit rte ********************************************************************** * * void int_mfp7_unsel( a0 = long *unselect, a1 = APPL *ap ); * * Deactivates the interrupt again if it has not arrived * Return value: -1 (timeout) * int_mfp7_unsel: clr.l imfp7_unsel ; Deactivate interrupt moveq #-1,d0 move.l d0,(a0) ; Not arrived rts ******************************* ******* SCSI ****************** ******************************* * Interrupt control: * * SCSI-DMA bus error: Input I5 of the TT-MFP * First aer for bit 5 must be 0, i.e. interrupt is triggered at the * transition of 1 to 0 * Polling via bit 5 of gpip * Interrupt #7 of the TT-MFP (address $15c) * SCSI: Input I7 of the TT-MFP * First aer for bit 7 must be 1, i.e. interrupt is triggered at the * transition of 0 to 1 * Polling via bit 7 of gpip * Interrupt #15 of the TT-MFP (address $17c) * During the transmission, the operating type register $fff785 of * the ncr 5380 manifestly has to have bit 3 (enable process interrupt) * set ********************************************************************** * * Interrupt routine for TT-MFP, interrupt channel #7 = I/O-port 5 * (SCSI-DMA bus error) * * Return value: -2 * int_scsidma: tst.l ncrdma_unsel ; Interrupt activated? beq.b incrdma_end ; No, continue movem.l d0-d2/a0-a2,-(sp) moveq #-2,d0 ; Arrived (error) move.l ncrdma_unsel,a0 clr.l ncrdma_unsel ; Deactivate interrupt move.l d0,(a0) ; Mark as arrived move.l ncrdma_appl,a0 jsr appl_IOcomplete ; Awake waiting APP movem.l (sp)+,d0-d2/a0-a2 incrdma_end : move.b #$7f,isrb+$80 ; Clear service-bit (TT-MFP) rte ********************************************************************** * * Interrupt routine for TT-MFP, interrupt channel #15 = I/O-port 7 * (SCSI) * * Return value: 0 * int_ncr: tst.l ncrdma_unsel ; Interrupt activated? beq.b incr_end ; No, continue movem.l d0-d2/a0-a2,-(sp) move.l ncrdma_unsel,a0 clr.l ncrdma_unsel ; Deactivate interrupt clr.l (a0) ; Mark as arrived move.l ncrdma_appl,a0 jsr appl_IOcomplete ; Awake waiting APP movem.l (sp)+,d0-d2/a0-a2 incr_end: move.b #$7f,isra+$80 ; Clear service-bit (TT-MFP) rte ********************************************************************** * * void incrdma_unsel( a0 = long *unselect, a1 = APPL *ap ); * * Deactivates the interrupt again if it has not arrived * (Return value: -1) * incrdma_unsel: clr.l ncrdma_unsel ; Deactivate interrupt moveq #-1,d0 ; Timeout move.l d0,(a0) ; Not arrived rts ********************************************************************** * * long wait_NCR( d0 = long ticks_200hz ) * * Return value: 0 OK * -2 Bus error * -1 Timeout * * No register apart fro d0 altered * wait_NCR: movem.l d1-d2/a0-a2,-(sp) tst.w pe_slice ; Preemptive? bmi.b wncr_no_yield ; No, busy waiting move.l act_appl,d2 ble.b wncr_no_yield ; Current application invalid * New routine via evnt_IO and MFP interrupt lsr.l #2,d0 ; AES: 50Hz instead of 200Hz wncr_new: move sr,d1 ori #$700,sr btst #5,gpip+$80 ; DMA bus error? beq.b wncr_err2 ; Yes, return(-2) btst #7,gpip+$80 ; Finished? bne.b wncr_ok2 ; Yes, enable interrupt, return(0) ; Set u0 interrupt pea incrdma_unsel(pc) move.l d2,ncrdma_appl ; act_appl move.l sp,ncrdma_unsel ; Release interrupt move.w d1,sr ; Wait for interrupt move.l sp,a0 ;move.w d0,d0 ; Timeout in 50Hz ticks jsr evnt_IO addq.l #4,sp wncr_end: movem.l (sp)+,d1-d2/a0-a2 rts * Old routine with busy waiting via _hz_200 wncr_no_yield: add.l _hz_200,d0 wncr_loop: btst #5,gpip+$80 beq.b wncr_err btst #7,gpip+$80 bne.b wncr_ok cmp.l _hz_200,d0 bcc.b wncr_loop moveq #-1,d0 ; Timeout bra.b wncr_end wncr_ok2: move.w d1,sr wncr_ok: moveq #0,d0 bra.b wncr_end wncr_err2: move.w d1,sr wncr_err: moveq #-2,d0 bra.b wncr_end ********************************************************************** * * Lock the NCR-SCSI * * No register apart from d0 altered * * and release it again * * No register is altered * * For the time in which (!nolink [AES]) has not yet been initialized, evnt_sem * cannot block, as act_appl is always NULL ncr_begin: movem.l d1-d2/a0-a2,-(sp) lea ncr_sem,a0 moveq #0,d1 ; No timeout moveq #SEM_SET,d0 jsr evnt_sem movem.l (sp)+,d1-d2/a0-a2 rts ncr_end: movem.l d0-d2/a0-a2,-(sp) lea ncr_sem,a0 moveq #SEM_FREE,d0 jsr evnt_sem movem.l (sp)+,d0-d2/a0-a2 rts Warning: The routines given here can naturally change again at any time!! See also: MagiC About the GEMDOS About the BIOS MagiC's XFS-concept