Topic : TOS - The Operating System
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Version : tos.hyp (December 19, 2008)
Subject : Programmieren/Atari
Nodes : 3010
Index Size : 93790
HCP-Version : 5
Compiled on : Atari
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@default : Title
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@options : +g -i -s +x +zz -t4
@width : 70
View Ref-File10.2.8 Key assignments TOSAs people are creatures of habit, it is desirable that not just the
dialogs and menus are built up in a consistent manner, but also that
the most important functions of a program can be operated consistenty
from the keyboard.
Actually there are a number of command-key combinations (shortcuts)
that are either standardized, or which have established themselves as
quasi (accepted) standards; in detail:
Standardized according to decisions of the developers conference in
August '89: Key combination Function
[Control]-[C] Copy
[Control]-[F] Find
[Control]-[O] Open
[Control]-[Q] Quit program
[Control]-[V] Paste
[Control]-[X] Cut
[Shift]-Upward arrow Go one page back
[Shift]-Downward arrow Go one page forward
[Shift]-Leftward arrow Cursor to start of line
[Shift]-Rightward arrow Cursor to end of line
[Control]-Leftward arrow Move back by one word
[Control]-Rightward arrow Move forward by one word
[ClrHome] Go to the start of the document
[Shift]-[ClrHome] Go to the end of the document
Not standardized, but accepted as standard in practice: Key combination Function
[Control]-[A] Select all
[Control]-[G] Find next
[Control]-[M] Save as...
[Control]-[N] New document
[Control]-[P] Print
[Control]-[S] Save
[Control]-[R] Replace
[Control]-[U] Close top window
[Control]-[W] Cycle to next window
[Control]-[Y] Cut current line
[Control]-[Z] Start shell
Important note: All '[Alternate]-[Control]' key combinations are
reserved for the operating system. As examples one can name here:
Key combination Function
[Alternate]-[Control]-[Tab] Task change under MagiC [Alternate]-[Control]-[Delete] Start Shutdown sequence
[Alternate]-[Control]-[Esc] Program manager under MagiC
[Alternate]-[Control]-[Space] Iconify current window
[Shift]-[Alternate]-[Control]-[Space] Iconify application
Note that shortcuts must not be duplicated within a menu structure or
a dialog, and some keyboard shortcuts can give rise to problems when
the application is run with a keyboard of a different nationality to
that used by the programmer. This is due to both the absence of some
characters on a keyboard as well as to different keyboard layouts; the
latter may affect [Alternate] combinations in particular.
See Also: Operation of the file-selectorASCII tableScancode tabl