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Topic       : TOS - The Operating System
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Version     : tos.hyp (December 19, 2008)
Subject     : Programmieren/Atari
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View Ref-File10.2.4  Menus and menu bars                                        TOS

To a large extent, the design of the menus is responsible for the 
clarity and user-friendliness of an application. Therefore every 
software developer should take enough time to create these in a 
sensible and appealing manner.

As already mentioned, the capacity of short-term memory is restricted. 
For this reason a menu bar should not offer more than seven menu 
entries, if possible; otherwise the user has to glance at the menu bar 
several times to be able to decide what he wants to select. The 
following illustration shows the main menu bar of the relational 
database system Phoenix in its English version:

  MANAGER  File   Edit  Process  Report  Parameters  Options  Help

Both the menu bar as well as the menus contained in it should have a 
standard make-up, so that the user feels 'at home' immediately after 
the launch of a program. The first menu from the left should always 
carry the name of the current application; this has the inestimable 
advantage in a multitasking environment of being able to identify the 
active application immediately by a quick glance at the menu bar.

The second menu title should always be named Fite, and offer menu entries that deal with various aspects of input and output. The lowest entry of this menu should always offer the option of quitting the program. As one can see in the above illustration, individual entries within a menu can be collected together in logical subgroups separated by fixed or dashed lines, which contributes greatly to clarity and acceptance by the user. Note: In assigning shortcuts in menus, take care not to duplicate any of them in the complete set of menu entries and also within any of the non-modal dialogs. Furthermore, avoid using accented characters, since these may not be present on keyboards used in countries other than that of the original programmer (Example: Umlauts [Ä], [Ö], [Ü] and [ß] are only present on German keyboards, and similar restrictions apply for French, Spanish or Swedish etc.) Also remember that while [Control] combinations will use a modified ASCII-code of the character key to execute the menu event, [Alternate] combinations cannot do this and have to use the scancode; however, the keyboard layouts in some countries differ in a few keys (for instance, the [Y] and [Z] keys are transposed in English and German-language keyboards, and the French ones have other differences). It may thus be impossible to use some of these characters together with [Alternate] successfully as shortcuts in many programs when run on keyboards in languages other than that of the programmer without changing and then recompiling the program source. Just changing the shortcut in the RSC file or program file will not work! Three dots following a menu entry indicate that after selecting this entry a dialog box (or file-selector) will open; the user can then attune himself to this, and move the mouse pointer to the middle of the screen, for instance, while the dialog is built up. Further frequently used menu titles are Edit, Parameters, Options and Help. The first should always lie to the right of the File menu, the last should always be placed at the right end of the menu bar. Each title should start with a capital (upper case) letter (the name of the program at far left should always be completely in capitals), consist of a single word only, and as demarcation to other titles always have a space character to both its left and right. In addition, menu entries should always have a context-sensitive configuration, i.e. an entry may only be selectable if this is possible or sensible at the current situation of the program. Thus, say, there is no point of calling the menu entry Save when there is nothing to be saved. The same applies for an entry Close, which should be selectable only if a window or a dialog exists that can be closed. Such non-selectable menu entries should be displayed 'greyed out' (in light type).
Apart from the conventional menu bar, some further and interesting possibilities exist to allow the user to make selections. Thus many programs (e.g. the shells Thing or Ease - see illustration above) make popup-menus available to the user to facilitate fast selection between various alternatives or perform an operation. The main advantage of a popup menu lies in shortening mouse movements. The menu simply appears at the screen position where the mouse click was performed (usually with the right mouse button). In implementing popup-menus one should ensure that these always appear complete on the screen (long popup-menus can often be scrolled). Last but not least there is the possibility to place a menu bar in a window. This method offers many advantages: First of all the main menu bar can be relieved in this way and so allow a much clearer layout, secondly it makes possible building up an application in a much more logical way; all operations affecting a given window wander into the window menu, all others into the global menu bar.
As one can not only move windows on the screen but, generally, also change their size, it is possible that not all titles of a window menu are visible. Hence some programs allow the menu bar to be scrolled. This applies, for instance, to the text editor Grismo or the resource editor Interface. See Also: About the AES Menu library