Topic : TOS - The Operating System Author : Version : tos.hyp (December 19, 2008) Subject : Programmieren/Atari Nodes : 3010 Index Size : 93790 HCP-Version : 5 Compiled on : Atari @charset : atarist @lang : @default : Title @help : @options : +g -i -s +x +zz -t4 @width : 70 View Ref-File9.1.3.7 Popup TOS Name: »Popup« - Management of a popup menu. Declaration int16_t cdecl (*Popup) (int8_t *items[], int16_t num_items, int16_t default_item, int16_t font_size, GRECT *button, GRECT *world); Description The call Popup takers on the complete management of a popup menu. The following apply: Parameter Meaning items Array with character strings for the individual entries; each entry must have the same length, as well as at least two spaces at the start and at least one space at the end num_items Number of entries default_item Default entry (count starts at 0), or the value -1 font_size Font size: 8*16 or 8*8 font; for the parameters one should use the same values as in the TEDINFO structure (according to Atari, only the large system font is used at present) button Rectangle of the button to which the popup belongs world Rectangle of the background object tree (as a rule the object tree of the CPX) Note: With too many entries (five onwards) the popup is scrolled automatically; the processing blocks all other actions. Return value: The function returns the selected entry of the popup, or the value -1 if no element of the popup had been selected. Group: XCONTROL functions See also: Xform_do XCONTROL