Topic : TOS - The Operating System Author : Version : tos.hyp (December 19, 2008) Subject : Programmieren/Atari Nodes : 3010 Index Size : 93790 HCP-Version : 5 Compiled on : Atari @charset : atarist @lang : @default : Title @help : @options : +g -i -s +x +zz -t4 @width : 70 View Ref-File8.16.4 objc_draw TOS Name: »Object draw« - Draw an AES object tree. Opcode: 42 Syntax: int16_t objc_draw ( OBJECT *ob_drtree, int16_t ob_drstart, int16_t ob_drdepth, int16_t ob_drxclip, int16_t ob_dryclip, int16_t ob_drwclip, int16_t ob_drhclip ); Description: The call objc_draw renders an object tree (or parts of objects) on the screen. The following apply: Parameter Meaning ob_drtree Address of object tree to draw ob_drstart Index of the first object to be drawn ob_drdepth Number of object generations to be drawn (0 = only the first object), maximum of 8 ob_drxclip X-coordinate, and ob_dryclip Y-coordinate of top left corner, ob_drwclip Width, and ob_drhclip Height of the bounding rectangle Note: With the parameters one can specify a rectangle to which drawing is to be restricted (clipping). Return value: An error has arisen only if the value 0 is returned. Availability: All AES versions. Group: Object library Querverweise: Binding objc_wdraw OBJECT