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Topic       : TOS - The Operating System
Author      : 
Version     : tos.hyp (December 19, 2008)
Subject     : Programmieren/Atari
Nodes       : 3010
Index Size  : 93790
HCP-Version : 5
Compiled on : Atari
@charset    : atarist
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@options    : +g -i -s +x +zz -t4
@width      : 70
View Ref-File8.11.11  form_xdial                                                TOS

 Name:         »Form Xdialog space« - Reserve or release screen memory 
               for a dialog object when using Flydials.

 Opcode:       51

 Syntax:       int16_t form_xdial ( int16_t fo_diflag, int16_t 
               fo_dilittlx, int16_t fo_dilittly, int16_t fo_dilittlw, 
               int16_t fo_dilittlh, int16_t fo_dibigx, int16_t 
               fo_dibigy, int16_t fo_dibigw, int16_t fo_dibigh, void 
               **flydial );

 Description:  The call form_xdial takes on various tasks, depending 
               on the passed parameters. The following apply:

                Parameter    Meaning

                fo_diflag    0 = FMD_START reserves screen memory for 
                             the dialog
                             3 = FMD_FINISH restores the screen and 
                             releases the buffer used to save the 
                             background in
                fo_dilittlx  X-coordinate, and
                fo_dilittly  Y-coordinate of the top left corner,
                fo_dilittlw  Width, and
                fo_dilittlh  Height of the smallest growing or 
                             shrinking rectangle
                fo_dibigx    X-coordinate, and
                fo_dibigy    Y-coordinate of the top left corner,
                fo_dibigw    Width, and
                fo_dibigh    Height of the largest growing or 
                             shrinking rectangle
                flydial      See below

               Note: If flydial is non-zero, a test is made whether 
               enough memory is available to save the background of 
               the dialog box. A pointer to this saved data is then 
               stored in this variable. If insufficient memory is 
               available to save the background, then the dialog box 
               processed by form_xdo is not movable; in that case also 
               the dialog will display no 'fly corner' ('asses ear').

 Return value: An error has arisen only if the value 0 is returned.

 Availability: When Flydials is in use, whose presence can be checked 
               for with appl_getinfo (opcode 14).

 Group:        Form library

 See Also:     Binding   evnt_mesag   form_dial   graf_growbox 