Topic : TOS - The Operating System Author : Version : tos.hyp (December 19, 2008) Subject : Programmieren/Atari Nodes : 3010 Index Size : 93790 HCP-Version : 5 Compiled on : Atari @charset : atarist @lang : @default : Title @help : @options : +g -i -s +x +zz -t4 @width : 70 View Ref-File8.11.4 form_dial TOS Name: »Form dialog space« - Reserve or release memory for a dialog object. Opcode: 51 Syntax: int16_t form_dial ( int16_t fo_diflag, int16_t fo_dilittlx, int16_t fo_dilittly, int16_t fo_dilittlw, int16_t fo_dilittlh, int16_t fo_dibigx, int16_t fo_dibigy, int16_t fo_dibigw, int16_t fo_dibigh ); Description: The call form_dial takes on various tasks, depending on the passed parameters. The following apply: Parameter Meaning fo_diflag Action to be performed 0 = FMD_START Reserve screen space for a dialog 1 = FMD_GROW Draw several expanding rectangles from the coordinates fo_dilittlx/y/w/hto fo_dibigx/y/w/h 2 = FMD_SHRINK Draw several shrinking rectangles from fo_dibigx/y/w/h to fo_dilittlx/y/w/h 3 = FMD_FINISH Release the reserved screen space again 1000 = X_FMD_START (Geneva) Store the information in the rectangular screen area described by the fo_dibig parameters for restoration later; if there is insufficient free memory for the area to be saved, then form_dial will return a 0 (error) condition 1003 = X_FMD_FINISH (Geneva) Copy back the information previously saved with X_FMD_START; this MUST be done whenever X_FMD_START is used, but not if an error occurred during the X_FMD_START fo_dilittlx X-coordinate, and fo_dilittly Y-coordinate of top left corner, fo_dilittlw Width, and fo_dilittlh Height of the smallest rectangle fo_dibigx X-coordinate, and fo_dibigy Y-coordinate of top left corner, fo_dibigw Width, and fo_dibigh Height of the largest rectangle Note: With the opcode FMD_FINISH, all affected windows receive a WM_REDRAW message from the AES. However the menu bar can not be restored in this way, as it lies outside the working area of the desktop window. At the time of writing, the AES does not use FMD_START, but the call should still be executed for upwards compatibility. The opcodes FMD_GROW and FMD_SHRINK in PC-GEM Version 2.0 fell as victims of the lawsuit between Apple and Digital Research. Return value: An error has arisen only if the value 0 is returned. Availability: All AES versions. Group: Form library See Also: Binding evnt_mesag form_xdial graf_growbox graf_shrinkbox