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Topic       : TOS - The Operating System
Author      : 
Version     : tos.hyp (December 19, 2008)
Subject     : Programmieren/Atari
Nodes       : 3010
Index Size  : 93790
HCP-Version : 5
Compiled on : Atari
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@options    : +g -i -s +x +zz -t4
@width      : 70
View Ref-File8.10.7  Operation of file-selectors from MagiC 4 onwards           TOS

MagiC as from Version 4.0 makes its own file-selector box available, 
which apart from support of long filenames also offers some operating 
niceties otherwise known only from alternative file-selectors. The 
following table gives a synopsis of the more important shortcuts:

 Key presses             Function

 Return                  No file selected: Returns the text in the 
                         editable field to the program.
                         File selected: Returns the selected file.
                         Folder selected: Opens the folder.
 Alt-A..Z                Opens the respective drive in current 
 Ctrl-Esc                Rereads the directory
 Ctrl-Backspace          or
 Ctrl-H                  Goes back one directory level
 Ctrl-D                  Deselects all entries. With this one can 
                         force the return of the input filename in 
                         place of the selected file.
 Cursor up,down          Moves selection up/down
 Ctrl-Cursor up,down     Scrolls up/down
 Sh-Cursor up,down       Moves selection by one page
 Sh-Ctrl-Cursor up,down  Scrolls page by page
 Home                    Selects topmost element
 Sh-Home                 Selects lowest element

There are some things to note for the operation of the buttons too: A 
double-click on the 'parent' field jumps back to the root directory. A 
click on a line selects the object. In cases where several files are 
selectable (can be influenced through the system call), these can be 
selected with a [Shift]-click.
In each case one can deselect one file with [Shift]-click.

Further, one should note:

   . Long filenames are returned only if the caller has signalled 
     beforehand with Pdomain(1) that he could do something with them.

   . When selecting a folder with [Return], the input field will be 
     cleared. If nothing is selected, then 'Cursor down' selects the 
     first line, 'Cursor up' the last line.

   . With the old calls fsel_(ex)input, the sort-mode is set during 
     booting to 'By name' and later stored in a global variable, i.e. 
     the last set sort-mode is saved until the next boot process.

   . With the old function fsel_(ex)input the mask '*.*' instead of 
     '*' may be returned in some cases.

See Also: Key assignments