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Topic       : TOS - The Operating System
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Version     : tos.hyp (December 19, 2008)
Subject     : Programmieren/Atari
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View Ref-File8.10.5  fslx_open                                                  TOS

 Name:         »File selectionX open« - Initializes and opens the 

 Opcode:       190

 Syntax:       void *fslx_open ( int8_t *title, int16_t x, int16_t y, 
               int16_t *whdl, int8_t *path, int16_t pathlen, int8_t 
               *fname, int16_t fnamelen, int8_t *patterns, XFSL_FILTER 
               *filter, int8_t *paths, int16_t sort_mode, int16_t 
               flags );

 Description:  The call fslx_open initializes and opens the file- 
               selector box. The following apply:

                Parameter  Meaning

                title      Window title of file-selector, may be NULL
                x          X-coordinate, and
                y          Y-coordinate of the top left corner of the 
                           window; for x=y=-1 the window will be 
                whdl       Window handle after successful opening
                path       Complete path, starts with drive and ends 
                           with '\'.
                           From MagiC 6.10 onwards the path may be 
                           initialized incompletely, as with fsel_xxx, 
                           e.g. as an empty string; MagiC will then 
                           complete the path in a sensible way
                pathlen    Length of path buffer, i.e. maximum 
                           pathlength + 1 (for EOS)
                fname      Buffer for the filename
                fnamelen   Length of filename buffer, i.e. maximum 
                           length of filename + 1 (for EOS)
                patterns   Filemask, e.g. '*.TXT' or '*.PRG,*.APP'. 
                           The alternatively selectable masks are 
                           separated by EOS and terminated by EOS,EOS.
                           From MagiC 6.10 onwards a NULL-pointer may 
                           be passed here, in which case MagiC then 
                           uses '*\0'.
                filter     May be NULL. The filter function is called 
                           before the mask comparison. If it returns 0 
                           then the file is invalid, if 1 is returned 
                           then the filename will be displayed.
                paths      Path "history" e.g. "C:\\BIN\\" etc. The 
                           alternatively selectable paths are 
                           separated by EOS and terminated by EOS,EOS. 
                           A NULL-pointer may be passed here.
                sort_mode  Sort-mode for the display:
                            SORTBYNAME (0)    =  By name 
                            SORTBYDATE (1)    =  By date 
                            SORTBYSIZE (2)    =  By size 
                            SORTBYTYPE (3)    =  By type 
                            SORTBYNONE (4)    =  Unsorted (physical order) 
                            SORTDEFAULT (-1)  =  Default 

                           SORTDEFAULT exists from Magic 6.10 onwards 
                           and means that the sort mode saved in the 
                           system will be used.
                flags      Various settings:
                            1 = (DOSMODE) This is the compatibility 
                                mode that is also used by 
                                fsel_(ex)input and basically returns 
                                filenames in the 8+3 format; for this 
                                all directories are called with 
                            2 = (NFOLLOWSLKS) Symbolic links will not 
                                be followed, i.e. date and time etc., 
                                as well as the XATTR-structure that is 
                                passed to filter, belong to the link 
                            8 = If GETMULTI is set, one can select and 
                                pass several files at the same time; 
                                for this fslx_getnxtfile is used if 
                                fslx_evnt or fslx_do in the parameter 
                                nfiles signals that there are still 
                                further files selected

 Return value: The function returns a descriptor for the further 
               actions, else the value NULL if an error has arisen.

 Availability: The presence of this call should be checked for using 
               appl_getinfo (opcode 7).

 Group:        Extended file-selectors

 See Also:     Binding   fslx_close