Topic : TOS - The Operating System Author : Version : tos.hyp (December 19, 2008) Subject : Programmieren/Atari Nodes : 3010 Index Size : 93790 HCP-Version : 5 Compiled on : Atari @charset : atarist @lang : @default : Title @help : @options : +g -i -s +x +zz -t4 @width : 70 View Ref-File8.10.3 fslx_evnt TOS Name: »File selectionX event« - Takes over the handling of the file-selector. Opcode: 193 Syntax: int16_t fslx_evnt ( void *fsd, EVNT *events, int8_t *path, int8_t *fname, int16_t *button, int16_t *nfiles, int16_t *sort_mode, int8_t **pattern ); Description: The call fslx_evnt takes over the handling of the file-selector displayed on the screen. The following apply: Parameter Meaning fsd Descriptor that was passed at a successful opening of a file-selector window events EVNT-structure; the events are serviced by the dialog if they are intended for the associated window path Pointer to the selected path fname Pointer to the selected filename button Index of the selected button 0 = 'Cancel' button 1 = 'OK' button nfiles Number of selected files sort_mode Selected sort-mode pattern Seleted file pattern, such as '*.TXT' Note: Events, i.e. mouse clicks, messages and keypresses are passed on to the file-selector window and serviced by it if appropriate. When an event has been serviced then the corresponding bit in the EVENT structure will be cleared. Return value: The function returns the value 0 if the dialog is to be terminated, else the value 1. Availability: The presence of this call should be checked for using appl_getinfo (opcode 7). Group: Extended file-selectors See Also: Binding