Topic : TOS - The Operating System
Author :
Version : tos.hyp (December 19, 2008)
Subject : Programmieren/Atari
Nodes : 3010
Index Size : 93790
HCP-Version : 5
Compiled on : Atari
@charset : atarist
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@default : Title
@help :
@options : +g -i -s +x +zz -t4
@width : 70
View Ref-File8.9.3 wind_create TOS Name: »Window create« - Initializes a new window
Opcode: 100
Syntax: int16_t wind_create ( int16_t wi_crkind, int16_t
wi_crwx, int16_t wi_crwy, int16_t wi_crww, int16_t
wi_crwh );
Description: The call wind_create attempts to initialize a new
window structure with the AES and at the same time
determines its appearance and maximum size; it also
allocates the memory required for it. Note that this
call does not actually display the window on-screen -
you need to follow it with a wind_open call for this.
wi_crwx, wi_crwy, wi_crww, wi_crwh set the maximum
extent of the window.
wi_crkind describes the components as a bit-vector:
Element Value Meaning
NAME 0x0001 Title-bar
CLOSER 0x0002 Close-box
FULLER 0x0004 Fuller-box
MOVER 0x0008 Window may be moved by user
INFO 0x0010 Info-line
SIZER 0x0020 Sizer-box
UPARROW 0x0040 Up-arrow
DNARROW 0x0080 Down-arrow
VSLIDE 0x0100 Vertical slider
LFARROW 0x0200 Left arrow
RTARROW 0x0400 Right arrow
HSLIDE 0x0800 Horizontal slider
HOTCLOSEBOX 0x1000 Close-box with auto-repeat
MENUBAR 0x1000 Menu bar (XaAES)
BACKDROP 0x2000 Background-box
ICONIFIER 0x4000 Iconify-button
BORDER 0x8000 Border sizing
Notes: HOTCLOSEBOX is only available as of PC-GEM or
MagiC Version 2.0 (in each case). Window borders that
are not needed (e.g. bottom border) will be omitted as
of AES Version 4.x or MagiC 3; this makes available a
few more pixels of usable area.
MENUBAR is only available in XaAES. It reserves room
for a menu bar widget in the window. The menu bar
itself is attached to the window by wind_set.
Setting BORDER will make XaAES allow for window border
sizing without the SIZER widget being used.
ICONIFIER is available only as of AES Version 4.1.
The presence of newer components such as the iconify
button, for instance, is best inquired for by using
appl_getinfo (opcode 11).
Return value: The function returns a non-negative handle if the AES
still has a free window handle available. A return
value smaller than 0 (i.e. negative) signals an error
or no more free handles available.
Availability: All AES versions.
Group: Window library See Also: Bindingwind_delete