Topic : TOS - The Operating System Author : Version : tos.hyp (December 19, 2008) Subject : Programmieren/Atari Nodes : 3010 Index Size : 93790 HCP-Version : 5 Compiled on : Atari @charset : atarist @lang : @default : Title @help : @options : +g -i -s +x +zz -t4 @width : 70 View Ref-File8.9.1 wind_calc TOS Name: »Window calculation« - Calculates the limits or the total space requirement of a window Opcode: 108 Syntax: int16_t wind_calc ( int16_t wi_ctype, int16_t wi_ckind, int16_t wi_cinx, int16_t wi_ciny, int16_t wi_cinw, int16_t wi_cinh, int16_t *coutx, int16_t *couty, int16_t *coutw, int16_t *couth ); Description: The call wind_calc calculates the size of the border area from the coordinates of the working area of a specific window, or vice versa. The following apply: Parameter Meaning wi_ctype 0 = WC_BORDER calculates the coordinates of the border area from the coordinates of the working area in the parameters wi_cinx, wi_ciny, wi_cinw and wi_cinh. 1 = WC_WORK calculates the coordinates of the working area from the coordinates of the border area in the parameters wi_cinx, wi_ciny, wi_cinw and wi_cinh. wi_ckind An integer parameter that contains all components of the window, with a format as wi_cinx X-coordinate, and wi_ciny Y-coordinate of top left corner, wi_cinw Width, and wi_cinh Height of the window (already known) coutx X-coordinate, couty Y-coordinate, coutw Width, and couth Height of the calculated components Note: One should never assume that the components of a window have a given size or position, but always use this function. Even then, the calculated height will be incorrect if the window has a toolbar attached to it; this can be corrected by adjusting the value by the height of the toolbar (see also below). WINX extension: Premise: appl_getinfo (opcode 22360) If one sets bit 15 in wi_ctype (e.g. by addition of the constant WC_WIN (=$8000)) and in wi_ckind passes the ID of a window instead of the window components, it is possible to obtain more exact dimensions for the window, as the function can take into account the current properties of the window (e.g. a toolbar). Additionally the function performs an auto-correction of the structure area, which is also performed by functions such as wind_open, wind_set( WF_CURRXYWH) when necessary and if supported by the AES. Return value: An error has arisen only if the value 0 is returned. Availability: All AES versions. Group: Window library See Also: Binding wind_create Problems with toolbars