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Topic       : TOS - The Operating System
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Version     : tos.hyp (December 19, 2008)
Subject     : Programmieren/Atari
Nodes       : 3010
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HCP-Version : 5
Compiled on : Atari
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View Ref-File8.5.12  pdlg_open                                                  TOS

 Name:         »Print Dialog - Open Window« - Druckdialog im Fenster 

 Opcode:       202

 Syntax:       int16_t pdlg_open ( PRN_DIALOG *prn_dialog, 
               PRN_SETTINGS *settings, int8_t *document_name, int16_t 
               option_flags, int16_t x, int16_t y );

 Description:  The call pdlg_open opens a window with the print 
               dialog. The following apply:

                Parameter      Meaning

                prn_dialog     Pointer to management structure
                settings       Printer settings
                document_name  Document name
                option_flags   Diverse flags:
                                0x0000 =  Display settings dialog
                                0x0001 =  Display print dialog
                                0x0010 =  Always offer No. of copies
                                0x0020 =  lways offer landscape format
                                0x0040 =  Always offer scaling
                                0x0100 =  Offer option for even and 
                                          odd pages
                x              X-coordinates of the window, or -1 
                y              Y-coordinates of the window, or -1 

               Note: The structure settings contains the printer 
               setting that should be saved with each document. If no 
               setting exists yet for a document, it can either be 
               created with pdlg_new_settings, or the application can 
               call Malloc and subsequently pdlg_dflt_settings to 
               initialize the memory.

               In the parameter option_flags one can decide, amongst 
               others, whether the dialog should be displayed as a 
               settings or a print dialog. With further flags one can 
               also determine whether scaling, copy options and land- 
               scape printing should be offered even if a driver does 
               not support them, so that the application has to output 
               the page rotated, for instance.

 Return value: The function returns the ID of the created window, or 
               the value 0 in case of error.

 Availability: The presence of this function can be checked with 
               appl_getinfo (opcode 7).

 Group:        Print dialogs

 See Also:     Binding   WDIALOG