Topic : TOS - The Operating System
Author :
Version : tos.hyp (December 19, 2008)
Subject : Programmieren/Atari
Nodes : 3010
Index Size : 93790
HCP-Version : 5
Compiled on : Atari
@charset : atarist
@lang :
@default : Title
@help :
@options : +g -i -s +x +zz -t4
@width : 70
View Ref-File4.5.24 Vsetmode TOS Name: »Vsetmode« - Set video hardware registers.
Opcode: 88
Syntax: int16_t Vsetmode( int16_t mode );
Description: The XBIOS function VsetMode programs the video hardware
register of the Falcon computer. The bits of the
parameter mode have the following meaning:
Bit Meaning
0-2 Number of colour planes:
0 = 1 plane 2 colours
1 = 2 planes 4 colours
2 = 4 planes 16 colours
3 = 8 planes 256 colours
4 = 16 planes 65536 colours
3 Set: Image width at least 640 pixels (80 columns)
Cleared: Image width 320 pixels (40 columns)
4 Set: VGA mode
Cleared: TV mode (also Atari SC monitors)
5 Set: PAL mode
Cleared: NTSC mode
6 Set: Overscan active (not valid for VGA)
7 Set: ST-compatible graphics
8 Set: Interlace mode (on colour monitor or
double-line mode (on VGA monitor) active
If VM_INQUIRE (-1) is passed as mode one will get the
current resolution without changing anything.
Note: There is no check of the correctness of the
coding for the connected monitor.
Return value: The function returns the old contents of the video
hardware register.
Availability: The function is only available on computers of the
Falcon series.
Group: Screen functions See also: Bindingmon_typeVsetSyncVgetSizeVgetRGBVsetRGBVsetMask