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Topic       : TOS - The Operating System
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Version     : tos.hyp (December 19, 2008)
Subject     : Programmieren/Atari
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View Ref-File8.2.10  AES bindings                                               TOS

The AES is called via a single subprogram that is passed 6 parameters; 
these are addresses of various arrays that are used for input/output 
communications. To call an AES function, the following parameter block 
must be populated with the addresses of the arrays described below:

typedef struct
    int16_t *cb_pcontrol;  /* Pointer to control array */
    int16_t *cb_pglobal;   /* Pointer to global array  */
    int16_t *cb_pintin;    /* Pointer to int_in array  */
    int16_t *cb_pintout;   /* Pointer to int_out array */
    int16_t *cb_padrin;    /* Pointer to adr_in array  */
    int16_t *cb_padrout;   /* Pointer to adr_out array */

The address of this parameter block (which lies on the stack) must be 
entered in register d1, and subsequently register d0.w must be filled 
with the magic value 0xc8 (200). With a TRAP #2 system call the AES 
can then be called directly. For the Pure-Assembler this could look 
like this, for instance:

                .EXPORT aes         ; Export function
                .CODE               ; Start of the code-segment

        aes:     MOVE.L 4(sp),d1    ; Address of the parameter blocks
                 MOVE.W #200,d0     ; Opcode of the AES
                 TRAP   #2          ; Call GEM
                 RTS                ; And exit

                .END                ; End of the module

There is no clear information available about which registers may be 
altered. In fact, however, the corresponding routines in ROM save all 

Now to the individual arrays. With each field, designated input or 
output functions can be performed. The following apply:

 int16_t control[5]   With this field information about the called 
                      function and its parameters can be determined. 
                      The following apply:
                       control[0] = Function number (opcode)
                       control[1] = Number of elements in int_in array 
                         the function is being sent
                       control[2] = Number of elements in int_out 
                         array the function is being sent
                       control[3] = Number of elements in addr_in 
                         array the function returns
                       control[4] = Number of elements in addr_out 
                         array the function returns
                      There is no clear information about which 
                      elements must be set before an AES call. It is 
                      required in each case for elements [0],[1] and 
                      [3]. It seems less sensible for the elements [2] 
                      and [4] - after all the AES functions know how 
                      many values they return in the output fields.
 int16_t global[15]   This field contains global data for the 
                      application and is used partly by appl_init and 
                      partly by other AES functions, and is filled 
                      automatically. The following apply:
                       global[0]      Version number of the AES
                       global[1]      Number of applications that can 
                                      run concurrently; with a value 
                                      of -1 there is no limit
                       global[2]      Unique ID number of the 
                       global[3,4]    Miscellaneous information that 
                                      only has meanning for the 
                                      application, and can be set and 
                                      read by it
                       global[5,6]    Pointer to a list of pointers to 
                                      the object trees of the 
                                      application (is set by 
                       global[7,8]    Address of the memory reserved 
                                      for the resource file. Only 
                                      documented by Digital Research 
                                      and not by Atari.
                       global[9]      Length of the reserved memory. 
                                      Only documented by Digital 
                                      Research and not by Atari.
                       global[10]     Number of colour planes. Only 
                                      documented by Digital Research 
                                      and not by Atari.
                       global[11,12]  Reserved
                       global[13]     Maximum height of a character, 
                                      which is used by the AES for the 
                                      vst_height call. This entry is 
                                      only available as of AES Version 
                                      4.0, and also only documented by 
                                      As of PC-GEM Version 2.0 this 
                                      value is interpreted as a bit- 
                                      vector with the drives 
                                      registered with the desktop (bit 
                                      15 = Drive A:).
                       global[14]     Minimum height of a character, 
                                      which is used by the AES for the 
                                      vst_height call. This entry is 
                                      only available as of AES Version 
                                      4.0, and also only documented by 
                                      As of PC-GEM Version 2.0 this 
                                      value is interpreted as a bit- 
                                      vector that specifies which of 
                                      the drives listed in global[13] 
                                      can be regarded as hard drives.
 int16_t int_in[16]   All 16-bit-sized input parameters are passed 
                      with this field.
 int16_t int_out[10]  All 16-bit-sized return values are supplied by 
                      the AES via this field.
 int32_t addr_in[8]   This field serves for the transmission of 
                      pointers (e.g. pointers to character strings) to 
                      the AES functions.
 int32_t addr_out[2]  All 32-bit-sized return values are supplied by 
                      the AES via this field.

Warning: If the operating system supports threads, then it is impera 
tive that a multithread-safe library is used. In particular one must 
ensure that each thread receives its own global field (see above).

See Also: Sample binding   VDI bindings   TOS list