Topic : The ATARI Compendium
Author : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject : Documentation
Nodes : 1117
Index Size : 32614
HCP-Version : 6
Compiled on : Atari
@charset : UTF-8
@lang : en
@default :
@help : %About
@options : +g -i -t4 +y +z
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View Ref-FileMega ST 2/4Two years after the release of the original ST series Atari released the
Mega ST series of computers. The Mega ST computers were shipped with TOS1.02 and featured several new features as follows:
° BLiTTER chip (for faster graphics)
° Internal expansion bus
° Separate keyboard and CPU ° Either two or four megabytes of RAM
° Peripheral co-processor slot (for 68881 coprocessor, etc.)