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Topic       : TOS - The Operating System
Author      : 
Version     : tos.hyp (December 19, 2008)
Subject     : Programmieren/Atari
Nodes       : 3010
Index Size  : 93790
HCP-Version : 5
Compiled on : Atari
@charset    : atarist
@lang       : 
@default    : Title
@help       : 
@options    : +g -i -s +x +zz -t4
@width      : 70
View Ref-File4.5.16  Setpalette                                                 TOS

 Name:         »set palette« - Selects 16 colours.

 Opcode:       6

 Syntax:       void Setpalette( void *pallptr );

 Description:  The XBIOS routine Setpalette permits the passing of a 
               new colour palette to the video hardware.

               The parameter pallptr points to a table of sixteen 16- 
               bit words that contain the new palette. The lowest 12- 
               bits are used here for the RGB values. pallptr must 
               point to an even address.

               As the function's data are not processed immediately, 
               one has to ensure that the pointer pallptr still points 
               to something sensible in the next vertical blank.

               Note: It is better to make use of the corresponding 
               functions of the VDI.

               Die XBIOS-Routine Setpalette erlaubt es, eine neue 
               Farbpalette an die Videohardware zu übergeben.

 Return value: The function does not return a value.

 Availability: All TOS versions.

 Group:        Screen functions

 See also:     Binding